Make sure to change your language in Config.Locale and Config.Framework.
At the bottom of the config.lua file you will see
Config.Jobs and Config.AllowedJobs, you can add whatever job you’re interested to be able to use the dispatch.
Example function:
function ExampleAlert()
local job = "police" -- Jobs that will recive the alert
local text = "Example Text" -- Main text alert
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) -- Alert coords
local id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) -- Player that triggered the alert
local title = "Example Title" -- Main title alert
local panic = false -- Allow/Disable panic effect
TriggerServerEvent('Opto_dispatch:Server:SendAlert', job, title, text, coords, panic, id)
It’s something you can give it a try since it’s open source for everyone, but making it standalone will include removing jobs detectors and will stop being a Police Dispatch : )
Is it possible to make it so that EMS and police get access to the menu Config.DispatcherJob = ‘police’ I tried to add ambulance, but it didn’t work like in this Config.Jobs = {‘police’, ‘ambulance’}
And one more question I have about this, maybe you forgot Picture
Hi, sorry for the late response, I would be glad to help you, if you can join the discord for easier support it would make it easier for me to help you, thanks!
function ExampleAlert()
local job = “police” – Jobs that will receive the alert
local text = “Example Text” – Main text alert
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) – Alert coords
local id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) – Player that triggered the alert
local title = “Example Title” – Main title alert
local panic = false – Allow/Disable panic effect
TriggerServerEvent(‘Opto_dispatch:Server:SendAlert’, job, title, text, coords, panic, id)
In my heist script, I modified it as I wanted, but when I try to start the heist the notification doesn’t come, and I thought maybe I needed to change “function ExampleAlert()” to something else. Can you help me thanks.