[FREE] [ESX/QBCORE] Op-dispatch


ESX & QBCore FiveM dispatch system, for ambulance and police jobs, possibility to add more in

Download & Installation


  • Make sure to change your language in Config.Locale and Config.Framework.
  • At the bottom of the config.lua file you will see
    Config.Jobs and Config.AllowedJobs, you can add whatever job you’re interested to be able to use the dispatch.
Config = {}
Config.Sound = true -- True to listen to the sound and false to don't.
Config.Framework = 'QBCore' -- 'ESX' or 'QBCore'.
Config.Locale = 'en' -- 'en' or 'es'.

Config.CommandShow = {
    command = 'show',
    description = 'Open Dispatch',

Config.VehicleRob = {
    command = 'vehrob',
    description = 'Vehicle theft',

Config.CommandPanic = {
    command = 'p',
    description = 'Emergency button'

Config.CommandClear = {
    command = 'cls',
    description =  'Clear Alerts'

Config.Jobs = {

Config.AllowedJobs = {
    ["police"] = {
        name = 'police',
        label = 'LSPD',
        command = 'alert',
        descriptcommand = 'Send an alert to LSPD',
        panic = true,
    ["ambulance"] = {
        name = 'ambulance',
        label = 'EMS',
        command = 'alertems',
        descriptcommand = 'Send an alert to EMS',
        panic = true,


Using Git

cd resources
git clone GitHub - ErrorMauw/op-dispatch: Op-Dispatch a dispatch that seeks the best user experience resources/op-dispatch



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1 Like

does it works normaly or you must put the command ?

1 Like

Hi, exactly what do u mean by “works”?
You can open it if you have the job and are in service pressing “K” as default, and it will always be open, same to close it.
But if you close it you will still receive the alerts.

hello, I mean if the alert has to be written by a person or if it reports itself

It has to be manual, since the objective it’s to get a common /911 but with a cool and accessible NUI.

could you please do it to send the alert by itself when there is shooting please?

Hey mate, been busy last months, it’s already updated with it’s respective cooldown.

1 Like

how to had alert with other script roberry carjack ect

I have one problem. Everything works fine, but units don´t refresh. Just restart of the script do it.
Do you know why ?

  • Gustafo

hi, i wanted to ask if it will auto report stolen vehicles/shootings/fights … it would be great

Hello, when i open the large dispatch there is no way of closing it.

how to call an ambulance ?

dispatch not working anymore. the buttons arent showing up