[FREE][ESX / QBCORE] Codes Script | Reward Players For Inviting Friends!

Samurai Development’s Codes Script
Hey everyone, hope you’re doing well today! I am back with another FREE release that I hope you guys enjoy! This idea came from my City so I hope y’all like it!

Make Sure To Checkout our other resources at https://samurai-dev-co.tebex.io/!


This script allows your server to give back to the community and get citizens to invite their buddies! This script can give rewards as in items and money for inviting friends. It also allows for your server to create Server Wide Codes that can be claimed by players. All friend rewards are saved via Database to make sure that the players always get their reward! There is a configurable time limit for new players to avoid the abuse of using everyones friend code!


You can watch the video by clicking on me!


  • Friend Codes That Can Be Shared And Claimed
  • Saves Via Database To Allow Rewards For Offline Players
  • Smart Timer For New Players To Prevent Code Abuse
  • Create Server Codes Via Command
  • Claim Server Codes For Rewards
  • Rewards Support Money/Items

Usage / How To Use:

/codes - This opens the main menu for players to claim codes and grab their personal code!

/codecreator - This opens the menu for creating a new Server Wide Code (Can only be used by configured Admins)


Github: Releases · SamuraiDevCo/SDC_Codes · GitHub
Tebex: https://samurai-dev-co.tebex.io/package/6370456


I quite liked the work :hearts:. I would have liked each player to have their code. Since if that player invites his friends, they can redeem the code of the person who invited them. Without the need to have script permission.

It would also be good to add logs, every time someone redeems the code, it would be clear who redeemed it and whose code it was.

Each player can grab their code by clicking on “Your Friend Code” so I am not sure what you mean.

I will look into adding some logs the next update :slight_smile:

You’re right, I had done it wrong. Excellent script

You can get rid of the HTML/JS code and just use this

I will update the code to do that instead!

Update 1.0.3


  • New Discord Logs Feature
  • Small Fixes With Code
  • Removed HTML to use clipboard function in ox_lib

Update 1.0.4


  • Added Required Job Option For Server Codes
  • Added Config For Max Friend Codes Someone Can Claim To Defend Against Abuse