[FREE] [ESX/QB] KFines - Nice Traffic Tickets with option to pay later!

Hey, error Invalid default value for ‘payUntil’ is very strange bug, because payUntil doesn’t have default value. It can be something wrong with your db configuration. You can also try to add default value to it in script (server.lua), it will be sth like , payUntil TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

server/server.lua line 204

No, you need to replace line payUntil TIMESTAMP NOT NULL to payUntil TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and then it should work

The script looks nice but it doesn’t auto create the database tables so it just keeps throwing errors

In some databases is problem with creating table. I will add today default values - maybe it will help.

Do you have any other problems in qb?

Update 11/08/2023

  • Added default values for numbers and dates (It should fix problems with creating table)
  • Added Citizen.Wait before checking unpaid, expired fines (To remove problems with database)

Added Tebex - Pay how much you want

If you want to support me, you can pay for that resource how much you want - of course you can always download it for free

yes, when we send a fine to someone it is not detected and when detected it does not receive anything, so not like your preview

Make sure that date of birth is in that same format as in database. Also if in configu “AllowFakePlayers” is disabled, target player needs to be near cop. If is enabled, there must be at least one player near and he will see that ticket, but in database ticket wil be saved to account with exact name, surname, gender and date of birth

In example, on my qbcore server, default format of dob is yyyy-mm-dd, but you need to check it in database

In your databse (table players in column charinfo)

Hey! If you have any idea, please let me know - I will add it to my script!

I can’t find the sql file, is it the same, no, so can someone tell me

Tickets item you need to register manually in your framework. Table with tickets will be created automatically on first start

Check my other resources

  • :policeman: KFines - Advanced, modern traffic tickets [FREE]
  • :gun: KCrimeActivities - New 3 activities for crime (car thief, truck robbery, vip killing) [ESC $10 | OS $20]
  • :world_map: KExploration - Hide places on map and let people save that place on map after finding it [$3]

Can you add option to use KFines with multiple jobs and difrent logos on ticket? Want to use it as a billing system on my server

Maybe I will add this in the next update

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Update 21/11/2021

Added multiple jobs with multiple categories and multiple npcs

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Update 02/12/2023

Fixed translations in NUI (sometimes, translations didn’t work)

What about possibly adding a place to see what tickets are still active?