[FREE] [ESX/QB] Drug Sales


This is a script designed to be a versatile way for players in your server to sell the drugs they farm/craft. The script was born out of the necessity to address issues encountered with similar scripts, and to give players an ability to choose how they sell their drugs. Players can either choose to sell to peds on the street, which can pay more but with increased risk of police attention. Then there’s selling in bulk, which requires a configurable amount of drugs, and will give players a spot to meet a ped and handle the exchange, but for less than what they would make on the street. I hope you guys enjoy this resource as much as I did working on it.


  • :rocket: Performance-oriented design.

  • :lock: Reliable and secure functionality.

  • :gear: Utilizes ox_lib for seamless integration.

  • :memo: Command or Usable Item interaction.

  • :package: Allows support for as many drugs as you need.

  • :heavy_dollar_sign: Different sale methods, with configurable pay.

  • :person_standing: Street Sales can be spawned or fetched from game pool.

  • :policeman: Configurable police requirement, and police can’t sell.

  • :heavy_plus_sign: AND MORE!!


Video Link





Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 673
Requirements None
Support Yes

This is fantastic! And free? Say less. I can’t wait to see where this resource becomes! :fire:

Great work!

1 Like

Silent Patch

  • Fixed Pay Function Mistake I forgot to fix.

    nice script now u just need to have drug sales in vehicles then u would have the 3 key points

    1 Like

    Now this is cinema, great work.

    1 Like

    Get these error when i try to sell

    Update 1.0.0

    • QBCore support added thanks to @wasabirobby
    • Added multiple police job support
    • Added safety clause to getCopsOnline callback

      Same error after update :frowning:

      Update 1.0.1

      • Rewrote ESX Client Inv Check to work with ESX 1.10.3+
        1 Like

        works perfect <3

        1 Like

        Hey, was playing around with it for ages I have QBCore but isn’t working, but then I seen the QBCore soon on the github haha, any update when it’s QB compatible? seems like a fun script :slight_smile:

        QBCore should be working fine, if your having any errors you would need to open a support ticket with me.

        cant be used with qb-target?

        Didn’t think people still used that when they could use ox but I can add compatibility for it and release an update later today.

        Legend, thank you

        Update 1.0.2

        • Added Targeting Bridge
        • Added QB-Target Support
        • Made Target Resource a config value

          Thank you for creating such an amazing script for free! unfortunately im running into an error code when trying to sell, on the street or bulk:

          error during NUI callback clickContext: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:739: SCRIPT ERROR: @r_drugsales/client/main.lua:197: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘Target’)
          poolStreetSale (@r_drugsales/client/main.lua:197)
          ref (@r_drugsales/client/main.lua:416)

          Open Support Ticket in Video Description

          Hey brother anyway you can tell me how to fix this issue.?

          Open a ticket for support in the Youtube description