Simple weapon crafting system with XP system and job control
EnableDebug: A boolean flag indicating whether debugging is enabled for the crafting system
XpSystem: A boolean flag indicating activate the experience system for crafting weapons
ExperiancePerCraft: The amount of experience gained per craft in the crafting system
Weapon: A set of definitions for different weapons in the game, each with details such as weapon code, name, job requirements, required experience, an allowed job list, and items required for crafting. For example, the sniper rifle requires the police job, 10 experience points, and 2 iron and 5 copper for crafting
PositionCrafting: A list of locations in the game where you can craft, defined by coordinates and direction
+ Fixed bug
+ Fixed translations
+ Added command name and prop name in the config
+ Required XP will now only appear if XP System is set to true
+ Added label for required items
+ Added notification when you cannot craft any weapons
+ Added menu to name the bench
- Removed table from config with bench coordinates
+ Now the benches are placed with the createCrafting command and will be automatically saved in the .json file
+ Added value in the config to set whether an item is a weapon or not. If the prop is not a weapon, the menu with the weapon information will not be displayed: range, damage etc
Cool script, but a SQL seems to be missing. Also would it be able to put a quantity on the craft, so youre able to craft more than 1 ammo at a time?
Edit For anyone else interested in this script.
Add this to your SQL:
ALTER TABLE users ADD crafting_level INT NOT NULL AFTER loadout;
Use this script for when you’re creating ammo:
Theres also a few errors in the code i’ve fixed, for example not being able to rotate the weapon in the menu and adjusted the camera. Feel free to contact me if you’re having issues. Im not sure if the uploader is still active.