[FREE] [ESX] NKHD Plate Switcher

It adds an Item named Tape, which allows you to Tape your Numberplate, I have made an Example, what you can do with it. It also Includes custom Plates, which are Taped.

For Example you have an Speedcamera Script and you want the players not ot get an Fine, they can Tape their Numberplate. You can Implement this through the Implemented Export.


Photo Preview, Only with custom Plates:

Resources Monitor:
While nothing happens:

While use:


Optional for Custom Plates:


AdvancedParking from Kiminaze
client.lua (4.5 KB)
Thanks to @Runa_and_Rebell for making it compatible


Pls do qb too​:heart::heart:

and are the custom plates needed?

If you want to see the Tape, then yes, other wise you can just set an plate with no txt

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ah okay thanks!

can you maybe send me your xnPlates cause for me dont work!

For me it only worked, when I put it in the normal resources folder and then start it over:
ensure xnPlates; exec @xnPlates/plates.cfg

You also have to put the plates into the files, so that they get listed

i did but this wont work

fxmanifest.lua (174 Bytes)
plates.cfg (1.5 KB)

If you didn’t change the name of the png’s this is going to work.

can you also send me your plate.lua?

In there I didn’t change anything, because I replaced the normal plates.

ok will test thanks

You also have to restart your game everytime

it works now after your plates.cfg

can you maybe add me on d cord? “ItssJxstn”

Did, you have to accept

well do you have the tape one as a non californian one?

No, sorry

I think I have installed everything correctly. But when I use the tape, the license plate just turns black for a moment, the car disappears for a moment and then the license plate is back to normal.
It does not change to the custom plate.

Do you have any ideas?

Sorry, but I don’t know the Problem, I think that it is very weird, that your car even disappers.
Did you set up:
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(lastVehicle, " ") – If you want to change the Numberplate, you can set it here
SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, 5) – Set here your Numberplate ID