I currently try to implement it
Many thanks you did an awesome job
Thanks, updated it, to freeze the player activate it in the config
Honestly thank you
can you maybe add ox_lib? is the most used in fivem aktell
How should I implement this?
You can use Ox Target as an other option
I cannot get rid of the yankton plate,
I did a correct instal of the script
I took your xnplate file and run it in the server
but i still got the yankton plate can i get some help?
Can you put the script in you normal resources folder and then pu ensure xnPlates; exec @xnPlates/plates.cfg into the server.cfg
Thanks for the script dude its working flawless on esx legacy. OX target works perfect
Do you have a solution for this?
When players had a black license plate on there car and they put tape on it and they removed the tape the license plate turn back to white.
Thats normal, I am currently looking into that
At this moment license plate for motorcycles doesnt work just a heads up for you @Niknock_HD
Hello! I get this problem! How can i fix it?!
[script:NKHD-Plate-Sw] SCRIPT ERROR: @NKHD-Plate-Switcher-V2/server.lua:34: attempt to index a number value (local ‘items’)
Updated it, can you try it, because I don’t have Ox Inventory Instaled on my Server
Updated Version now Online!
If i apply the Tape on the Plate, than the plate switch right but there is no Tape Texture.
You have to install [FREE] Custom License Plates and Patterns right and change the textures and everything in this post stands.
i did
but it doesnt work idk