[FREE] [ESX] NKHD Plate Switcher V2

I currently try to implement it

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Many thanks you did an awesome job :slight_smile:

Thanks, updated it, to freeze the player activate it in the config :grinning:

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Honestly thank you :slight_smile:

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can you maybe add ox_lib? is the most used in fivem aktell

How should I implement this?
You can use Ox Target as an other option

I cannot get rid of the yankton plate,

I did a correct instal of the script
I took your xnplate file and run it in the server

but i still got the yankton plate can i get some help?

Can you put the script in you normal resources folder and then pu ensure xnPlates; exec @xnPlates/plates.cfg into the server.cfg


Thanks for the script dude its working flawless on esx legacy. OX target works perfect

Do you have a solution for this?
When players had a black license plate on there car and they put tape on it and they removed the tape the license plate turn back to white.

Thats normal, I am currently looking into that

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At this moment license plate for motorcycles doesnt work just a heads up for you @Niknock_HD

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Hello! I get this problem! How can i fix it?!

[script:NKHD-Plate-Sw] SCRIPT ERROR: @NKHD-Plate-Switcher-V2/server.lua:34: attempt to index a number value (local ‘items’)

Updated it, can you try it, because I don’t have Ox Inventory Instaled on my Server

Updated Version now Online!

If i apply the Tape on the Plate, than the plate switch right but there is no Tape Texture.

You have to install [FREE] Custom License Plates and Patterns right and change the textures and everything in this post stands.

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i did

but it doesnt work idk