Sorry, that it took so long, updated it!
np when u think its finish?
It is already updated
u updated it? and its working what i said to u like ox_target u can do with no item
and tape remover on removed item?
If I understand your question right, I have added these Features
ah okay my english is bad xD
u tested it also?
Yes, my english is also bad
u have discord send me friend request i want ask u something better we spammed a lot here WHAHHA
discord name: roekelooss
What ESX Version do you use?
1.8.5 legacy
do you have in resource es_extended
and whats inside?
Locales = {}
function _(str, …) – Translate string
if Locales[Config.Locale] ~= nil then
if Locales[Config.Locale][str] ~= nil then
return string.format(Locales[Config.Locale][str], ...)
return 'Translation [' .. Config.Locale .. '][' .. str .. '] does not exist'
return 'Locale [' .. Config.Locale .. '] does not exist'
function U(str, …) – Translate string first char uppercase
return tostring((str, …):gsub(“^%l”, string.upper))
yes thats inside
Can you try
Locales = {}
function Translate(str, ...) -- Translate string
if Locales[Config.Locale] then
if Locales[Config.Locale][str] then
return string.format(Locales[Config.Locale][str], ...)
elseif Config.Locale ~= 'en' and Locales['en'][str] then
return string.format(Locales['en'][str], ...)
return 'Translation [' .. Config.Locale .. '][' .. str .. '] does not exist'
elseif Config.Locale ~= 'en' and Locales['en'] and Locales['en'][str] then
return string.format(Locales['en'][str], ...)
return 'Locale [' .. Config.Locale .. '] does not exist'
function TranslateCap(str, ...) -- Translate string first char uppercase
return _(str, ...):gsub("^%l", string.upper)
_ = Translate
_U = TranslateCap
thanks its was the problem
Hello can someone explain to me how to use the script for AdvancedParking?
Greetings Yannick
Updated it, but it might not work, because I don’t own AdvancedParking!
Thanks for this script, it’s really great do you think it would be possible to display apply only if on has the item on us and removed the delete option if it is not hidden and freeze the player’s position on apply animation