[FREE][ESX]Hayden's Simple Store Robbery System

Thank you - I will be implementing something like Leah_UK suggested as I think it’ll be more tricky and I like challenges :stuck_out_tongue:



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Glad to hear you like it!

More updates to come <3

Hello there, did you check what happens if 2 people tries to rob the shop ?


No this hasn’t been tested. I’ll test this as soon as possible and fix it if any issues occur.
Instantaneous robbing hasn’t been tested.

Really nice script for your first release! :+1:

['es'] = {
        ['robbing'] = "Alarma de robo activada",
        ['cop_msg'] = "Se ha activado la alarma en una tienda, el CCTV ha captado la cara de los criminales!",
        ['set_waypoint'] = "Establecer ruta a la tienda",
        ['hide_box'] = "Cerrar este cuadro",
        ['playerRobbing'] = "¡Estás robando la tienda! ¡Mantén tu arma apuntando!",
        ['robbery'] = "Robo a tienda",
        ['no_cop'] = "¡No hay suficientes policías de servicio para robar la tienda!",
        ['recent'] = "¡Esta tienda ha sido robada recientemente!",
        ['success'] = "¡Has robado con éxito la tienda!",
        ['nowep'] = "¡Parece que no tienes el arma apropiada para robar!",
        ['shotNPC'] = "¡Le disparaste al Tendero, el robo ha sido cancelado!",
        ['tooFar'] = "¡Has ido demasiado lejos de la tienda! ¡Robo cancelado!",
        ['robbedSafe'] = "¡Has robado con éxito la caja fuerte! ¡Huye!",
        ['alreadySafeRobbed'] = "¡Esta caja fuerte ha sido robada recientemente!",
        ['safe_msg'] = "¡Se ha activado una alarma de seguridad, hemos capturado con el CCTV la cara de los criminales!",

Thank you!

I’ve added this to the next release!

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can i know why there is error ?

Sorry just saw this!

Check your configuration file, ensure that your Max is higher than your min!

ok2 thank you


Ensure you’re on the newest version.

This was patched previously.

Is there a way to make this script work with a Non-ped server? I really like the idea you have here, however I don’t like Peds so I was wondering if there is a way to replace the ped?

yeah im in the latest version of your work sir

What do you mean “non-ped” as in, not using the store clerk?

I’ve pushed some updates today, please use these ones.

And if it goes into the negatives, let me know if there are any errors in the F8 OR the Server console.

ok noted sir thank you so much

Yes, Not using the store clerk. Is there anyway to add a map marker & interact with it to start the robbery?

Unsure as to why you’d want this as it’s less realistic. I don’t really plan on adding this as It’d change the quality of the script.

It’s not hard to convert yourself to just a blip