[FREE] [ESX] gd_vehiclepos

This is a simple script for FiveM function? You will no longer have to go to a garage or call a valet parking every time you leave the server since this script saves the position of your vehicle and if you leave and enter the server your vehicle will continue in its last position

(ES) Esto es un simple script para FiveM ¿Función? Ya no tendrás que ir a un garaje o llamar a un valet parking cada vez que salgas del servidor ya que este script guarda la posición de tu vehículo y si sales y entras del servidor tu vehículo seguirá en su ultima posicion


Github: gd_vehiclepos

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Code is accessible Yes
Lines (approximately) 30
Requirements None
Support Yes

This script isn’t doing anything. Did you even test it at all?

  • Server side contains natives that aren’t available on server side.
  • There are several events without use.
  • You don’t even spawn a vehicle anywhere in the code. And even if you did, you are not saving any data (like tuning, color etc).
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besides the fact that it doesn’t work it’s only for esx and not for qbcore…what a bad job

It only works with vehicles purchased at the dealership, if you got one with commands or tx admin it will not work for you. Thanks for your comments

Yes, it only works with esx, my bad