[FREE] [ESX] Car Keys

Vehicle Key System :red_car::key:

A simple FiveM script based on ESX that allows players to lock/unlock their vehicles with animations and a key prop in hand.

FiveM ESX Car Keys | Documentation | Github Download



  • Open / close player owned vehicles
  • Players can change the key bind individually
  • Plays a realistic animation with a key prop.
  • Communicates with the server to verify vehicle ownership.

Preview: :arrow_right: YOUTUBE PREVIEW

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100+
Requirements ESX & oxmysql
Support Yes

Does this also work with cars from Jobcreator?

you should tell me which jobcreator and what you mean, the faction cars?

I mean the one from jaksam and yes faction cars . if you park them temporarily and park the other one

Currently it only works with vehicles you own, the script checks the database to see if the vehicle is yours

but can you insert it ?

write me on ds

okay have

Thanks, will try!

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Hey buddy, this looks awesome, but could it be that there’s a different version on GitHub than in the video? Especially regarding the prop? I can’t find that part anywhere. Still, it’s a simple and great script.

explain it to me better, thx

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You’re writing about an animation with a prop, but the animation itself doesn’t actually have a prop, right? Scenarios can have props, but you’re only playing an animation, which means the prop is missing. I also can’t find a CreateObject.

do you need to change the key prop type?

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Your GitHub repo is only 5 days old! There’s no stream folder, let alone any CreateObject code in the client script! :smile: Come on, take a look, man.

what you are talking about and to add a custom prop, you need to create a stream folder, do you know how to script?

Of course, I know how to stream things, let alone do some programming. I’m not sure if we have a language barrier here or if you just don’t understand.

Your script description states that it includes a realistic animation with a prop, but there is no prop. Even if I were to custom stream a prop, it wouldn’t be referenced in the code. So, your product description simply doesn’t make sense.

But it doesn’t matter, I already said it. Thanks for sharing. You’ll manage to get it done.