[FREE] [ESX] Brp-fivem-appearance

did you solve it? Exactly the same thing happens to me, and I can’t find the error!

By now the creator of this script is ignoring us, it would be great to have a stable version without dependencies using esx_menu_default and esx_skin and skinchanger

Hello guys I’m trying to change my skin with

exports['fivem-appearance']:setPedComponent(PlayerPedId(), {id, drawable, texture})

But nothing is changing when I’m triggering this export from client side, any idea how to use it please ?

Hi! This is really simple.
This is data structure(JSON format): {“texture”:0,“drawable”:0,“component_id”:0}

Here’s how to use it:
local components = {“texture”:0,“drawable”:0,“component_id”:0}

exports['fivem-appearance']:setPedComponent(PlayerPedId(), components)

Ty very much !

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Hello to open only the tattoo menu which export should I use?

Any ETA when this will have tattoos included? Thanks in advance

Im saying lmao

Hi, wouldn’t you know how to implement a tattoo there?

Anyone know how to fix it. it’s happen when i try to save outfits

If you are getting problem with invisible ped and no creation menu after identity, change the line 55 of client.lua of the identity for this :

if not ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then TriggerEvent(‘esx_skin:openSaveableMenu’) end

Legacy framework

es_extended/common/commands problem.

could someone tell me why it doesn’t save me outift? Thank you

i have same problem bro

its not its when u got to change ur outfit and dont save it nothing works its like ur ped dont exist untill u leave the game

Can someone just tell me where and how I need to put a code so I can create my character upon joining the server for the first time. It doesn’t even matter to me if someone helps me with or without multicharacter.

Hi! You can enable/disable (true,false) all components.

Check this example.

local config = {
	ped = false,
	headBlend = false,
	faceFeatures = false,
	headOverlays = false,
	components = false,
	props = false,
	tattoos = true -- only tattoos enable and show in menu

exports['fivem-appearance']:startPlayerCustomization(function (appearance)
	if (appearance) then
		ESX.ShowNotification("Save Skin")
		ESX.ShowNotification("Canceled save skin")
end, config)

I hope help this snippets.

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I have this issue when attempting to click the “turn around” icon. How do I fix?

look for errors, fix causes of errors.