[FREE] Entry System by DARK DESIGNS

Entry System by DARK DESIGNS

Hello together!
This script will hopefully have everything on board to set up an entry system for you on your roleplay server. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvement, you are welcome to comment and we will be inspired by you in the next update.

!!! Important: This is an QBCore Release !!!


  • /joinentry (Admin Only): you can now whitelist people and you have an red tag above your head (only you can see it but will change in future versions)
  • /newentry (Admin Only): opens ui where you can entry people
  • Anti Bug/Noclip out of Entry-Area
  • Teleport out of Entry area when enryed
  • Discord Webhook integration
  • Call Admin function


Version 1.0.0 (Release)
  • /joinentry (Admin Only): you can now whitelist people and you have an red tag above your head (only you can see it but will change in future versions)
  • /newentry (Admin Only): opens ui where you can entry people
  • Anti Bug/Noclip out of Entry-Area
  • Teleport out of Entry area when enryed
  • Discord Webhook integration
Version 1.0.1 (Bug fixes)
  • Bugfixes (Thanks to ItssJxstn)
  • Now accessible via tebex
Version 1.1.0 (Update)


1.) put the data.sql in your database
2.) put this line of code in your server.cfg: add_ace group.admin dd_entrysystem allow
3.) put this line of code in your server.cfg: ensure dd_entrysystem
4.) Configure everything to your benefits
5.) Done


Config.spawn = vector3(-1085.76, -2822.54, 25.37) -- where player spawns at the airport
Config.spawnDistace = 100.0 -- distance to the spawn where player gets teleported back to the spawn

Config.exitMarker = vector3(-1044.81, -2750.29, 20.36) -- the Marker where player can walk at and leave the airport
Config.exitPoint = vector4(-1037.91, -2738.17, 20.17, 327.08) -- the exit of the airport

Config.staffSpawn = vector4(-1099.87, -2752.3, 20.34, 243.1) -- where the staff player gets teleported at when using "/joinentry"

Config.callAdminMarker = vector3(-1092.94, -2760.62, 20.35) -- Point where player can call Admins

-- LANG --
Config.staffName = "~r~[Entry Team]"

Config.exitText = 'Press ~p~E~s~ to exit the airport'

Config.noPermission = "You have no Permission to do that!"
Config.wrongID = "There is no player with this ID!"
Config.exitNotAllowedYet = "You still have to do your entry interview!"

Config.staffJoinMessage = 'You have joined the entryteam'
Config.staffLeaveMessage = "You left the entryteam"

Config.spawnMessage = "Welcome in Los Santos"

Config.callAdminText = "Press ~p~E~s~ to call an Entry Team Member"
Config.webhookCallAdminText = "An player wants to entry with the player ID: "

-- Discord Logs --

Config.enabled = true --true/false
Config.url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1076574296262058115/tyGCZg3lsno2FtYkQet6zLpdJXaDS7GZThU0xcVJJRHV7VJ17xF01nVe6Ckd5BP_03Rm" -- Your Discord webhook url
Config.webhookText = "A player tries to escape the Entryzone with the player ID: "


For more informations you can have a look on our Documents

To Do-List:

  • Tag above head is visible for everyone
  • (Done :handshake:) Rework the Discordwebhook system
  • Working with dd_notification (Coming Soon)
  • Working wit dd_admin (Coming Soon)


GitHub - Tebex


  • QB-Core

Other Scripts:

:gear: Minigame

Any Questions or Problems? Just ask below!

- Your DARK DESIGNS Team :fire:


An Update has just been Released! Check it out!

Our Documentation is now live! Check it out :fire:

1 Like

Looking forward to your update

I made the release a year ago and do not support it anymore. But it is open source so you can change it how ever you like

Where did you purchase the basic internal scenes in your video introduction? Can you share the link with me?

DO you mean the MLO? Idk the Map I think it was a LISA for 40 €or smth