[Free] Emote Menu v2 - Over 1,000 emotes with many features!

i’m having an error on ox_lib: Error loading script @ox_lib/init.lua in resource scully_emotemenu: Unable to load UI. Build ox_lib or download the latest release. But it is latest.

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You aren’t on the latest release, you downloaded the source code. You can build it by reading their docs or go to their releases page which is linked in this post and download the ox_lib.zip release


when loading into the server and pressing G before doing any emote i get this error

After doing an emote that uses the fx the error doesnt show up anymore

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Just fixed it

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I did the update and I am still getting this when i load into the server and press G

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Is there a way to fix this? Also having an issue now where all my players are showing they are on fire if there are near anyone doing the torch

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There is an active issue open on github for it, it appears this is only happening to some people so it’s hard to pin out what’s going on. As for the torch issue can you post a clip?

Very nice release, thank you for this


That error came up right when he lit on fire

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Hi cant use the G for effects with the lasted upgrade of OX Lib

got error


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Hello, nice script but i have just a little question, i wanna increased the max key binds from 5 to 10 (I founded where increased the number in the client.lua), after on “Esc > settings > keybinds > fivem” i see 10 available key bindind. But in the menu i see just 5 keybinding, what i have to do to fix this?


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The menu looks incredible but I can’t launch it, this error appears, did you know how to fix it?

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The emote menu has been updated, this update does include some breaking changes so if you used the exports for the menu previously you will need to adjust their names slightly which can be done quickly using find and replace. The changes in this update are:

  • Fixed issue with the Hug Pose Tippy Toes emote not working.
  • Fixed an issue with commands being case sensitive.
  • Removed the EmoteMenu namespace.
  • Switched all the emote configurations to a module system.
  • Renamed exports to match the new function names.
  • Add ox_lib radial menu support for opening the menu, cancelling emotes, expressions and walk styles which can be toggled in the config.
  • Props are now handled server sided.
  • Added export to check players last played emote.
  • Added prop dump to dump props for anticheats.
  • Made it so emotes don't cancel when bumping into doors or peds.

Hey, not to be combative or anything but can I ask why credits from RPEmotes were removed? Just wondering as there obviously were some features taken or even inspired by updates which were done on that menu.

Why does that bother you so much? Its an open source project on GitHub.


It doesn’t I was genuinely just asking

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Yeah don’t worry, we respect all open source licenses on projects and credit those who deserve it such as Dulpear as our project is inspired by his and we also credit all of the animation / prop devs who’s assets are within the project with permission. The credit that was removed wasn’t earned, it was a courtesy credit to end drama from awhile ago but the individual decided to stir it up again so I am removing him from my project and will not grant the courtesy in the future. The individual should be fine with it as he was perfectly fine doing the same thing with his project in which I actually contributed to as seen on the commit history.


hey i downloaded this and installed it but now i get this error “couldn’t start resource scully_emotemenu”

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You need to install ox_lib, make sure you download the zip from the releases section and not the source unless you plan on reading and following the steps on the ox documentation to build the UI.

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The emote menu has been updated, you will now be able to set your desired language in the config. Please feel free to submit pull requests with any languages I may have missed or corrections to the existing ones.

  • Fixed an issue where if your crouch key was C and you pressed it you would look behind you.
  • Added language support with 20+ languages.