[FREE] Electrician Job | ESX & QBCore | Fivem

a question the script does not work if I change the vehicle for one that does not come with the package? but it doesn’t give me the key either when it opens the vehicle it says that it gives me the key but it won’t let me open it and when I get out of the vehicle it doesn’t give me the option of the ladder and I want to know if it’s because I changed the vehicle or it’s from the package it comes with the script

Same here I cant get any other vehicle besides the one included with the script. Script works good just wish the cars could be changed.

yo fuera feliz si se pudieran cambiar los vehiculos pero muy feliz y mas si se puede cambiar por este que es mas adecuado y mas realista y si quitas la escalera mejor o por lo menos tener la obcion de poder poner esta camion


you ever fix qb draw text?

Lo acabo de instalar en QbCore y no me indica donde tengo que ir a hacer la reparacion ¿como puedo solucionar esto? Tampoco me indica “E para coger escalera”

eso mismo me pasa a mi

or qbcore code same for this

local markerCoords = vector3(-816.8492, -753.9846, 21.2857)
local isMarkerVisible = false

    while true do

        local playerPed = PlayerId()
        local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
        local distance = #(playerCoords - markerCoords)

        -- Ellenőrizzük, hogy a játékos az autóban ül-e
        local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
        local isPlayerInVehicle = DoesEntityExist(playerVeh) and GetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerVeh) == "ELECTRIC"

        if isPlayerInVehicle and distance < 10.0 then
            -- Jelzi, hogy a marker megjelenik, amikor közelítjük meg az "ELECTRIC" rendszámú autóban ülve
            if not isMarkerVisible then
                isMarkerVisible = true
                TriggerEvent('notification', 'Nyomd meg az ~b~"E"~s~ billentyűt az autó törléséhez', 1)

            if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then -- 38 = "E" billentyű
                local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
                isMarkerVisible = false -- Marker eltávolítása, miután az autót töröltük
            -- Eltávolítjuk a markert, ha nem vagyunk az "ELECTRIC" rendszámú autóban
            if isMarkerVisible then
                isMarkerVisible = false

        -- Rajzoljuk ki a markert, ha látható
        if isMarkerVisible then
            DrawMarker(1, markerCoords.x, markerCoords.y, markerCoords.z - 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 255, 0, 200, false, false, 2, nil, nil, false)

Delete a car after the job if you haven’t already!
Deletes the car based on the license plate number. If we change the license plate number, you will also rewrite it in the code. This way, you can only delete the car that is related to the job. I thought I’d add that. Copy the code anywhere you like in client.lua. I put it to the end.

--// Autó törlés kordináta. 
local markerCoords = vector3(-816.8492, -753.9846, 21.2857)
local isMarkerVisible = false

    while true do

        local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
        local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
        local distance = #(playerCoords - markerCoords)

        -- Ellenőrizzük, hogy a játékos az autóban ül-e
        local playerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()
        local isPlayerInVehicle = IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, false)

        if isPlayerInVehicle and distance < 10.0 then
            -- Ellenőrizzük, hogy az autó rendszáma "ELECTRIC"
            local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
            local vehiclePlate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
            if string.upper(vehiclePlate) == "ELECTRIC" then
                -- Jelzi, hogy a marker megjelenik, amikor közelítjük meg az "ELECTRIC" rendszámú autóban ülve
                if not isMarkerVisible then
                    isMarkerVisible = true

                -- Megjelenítünk egy üzenetet, hogy nyomd meg az "E" billentyűt az autó törléséhez
                ESX.ShowHelpNotification("Nyomd meg az 'E' billentyűt az autó törléséhez")

                if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then -- 38 = "E" billentyű
                    isMarkerVisible = false -- Marker eltávolítása, miután az autót töröltük
                isMarkerVisible = false
            -- Eltávolítjuk a markert, ha nem vagyunk az "ELECTRIC" rendszámú autóban
            if isMarkerVisible then
                isMarkerVisible = false

        -- Rajzoljuk ki a markert, ha látható
        if isMarkerVisible then
            DrawMarker(1, markerCoords.x, markerCoords.y, markerCoords.z - 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 255, 0, 200, false, false, 2, nil, nil, false)

When I add this nothing will happen

This script is lacking information. The “read me” file inside the folder has no information on what you’re supposed to do with the files at all. When you start the job, it doesn’t tell you where you have to go, nor does it prompt you with any instructions on how to do it.

It doesnt work. . . I changed everything to QB and even changed a car name to comet and I cant get the ladder

Has conseguido arreglarlo

script was working perfect but when i change to “comet2” i cant get the ladder
any ideas ?
before “comet2” i was using “everon” ,is it about car’s height ??

How do I give the player experience after completing each mission?

how to change language into english