[FREE] Electrician Job | ESX & QBCore | Fivem

What is the job name i have to use in the database?

I try it on fresh qb server and in cfg I change on qbcore, I start car props I can start job change clothes but about a car I have a problem I dont have popuped a text to use what else I need to set?

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Try to install the New versión.

New version of QB or job? I literaly instal all 30 minut ago

I try it on fresh qb server and in cfg I change on qbcore, I start car props I can start job change clothes but about a car I have a problem I dont have popuped a text to use what else I need to set?

I have the same thing with the last version of qbus artifact (5104)

i have a qbus server and this script is very good but there is one error i am not able to solve as when i take the vehicle there is no option to take ladder out can you help me out of this

Hello , i’ve donwloaded the script , everything works fine !
Only the payment method is not working , I’am using qb-core , no errors appear though

everything is fine but there no e option coming when i go to vehicle in qbus can anyone help

I got the job but the car is nowhere to be found @@

Como puedo cambiar el auto ya e tratado y si lo cambiao no me deja sacar la escalera ya trate de cambiar el nombre del carro a comet2 y aun no d3ja

hi wouldn’t be working for me i can’t understand how i can start working

Is there something i can add to have a blip to delete a vehicle after working what i wanted?

I’ve changed the vehicle to boxville in config.
This seems to remove text prompts however.
Also… where do I place the stream files to make the ladders show?

Disculpa!, cual es el nombre del trabajo?, para que me lo pueda poner

Is there any way to allow the vehicle to be an addon? I’ve tried doing everything to get a custom truck I have to work and it doesn’t.

Can confirm this works a treat! thank you Sunset.

Also the script runs fine in everyway on the latest qbcore.

All I did was load it up, choose qbcore in config and customize dialog then changed my choice of vehicle mod’s name to comet2 like sunset said too.

Does anyone know how to add a despawn vehicle on shift end function?

Hey guys, i´m struggeling with the jobcar… after i end the job the jobcar didn´t dissapear… how to?

on qbcore there is no drawtex how can fix??


pllis men is download

gg for this script