Free Drag and Drop Add-on Clothes Pack for Male Peds

Free Drag and Drop Add-on Clothes Pack for Male Peds

Untitled design


This is a FREE drag-and-drop clothing pack designed specifically for male peds in FiveM servers. The pack includes a selection of high-quality, custom hats and jumpers that are easy to install—simply drag and drop into your server’s resource folder.

Included in the Pack

  • 2 Hats (each with 2 textures)
  • 2 Jumpers (each with 2 textures)

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the pack.
  2. Drag the folder into your FiveM server’s resources directory.
  3. Add start <folder-name> to your server.cfg.
  4. Restart your server and enjoy the new outfits for male peds!

Download Here

Download the clothing pack

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based NO
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support YES

I’m currently working on a large clothing pack, but I have a few items that didn’t make it into the final release. I’ll be sharing these as free downloads over the next few days, so stay tuned!


what does it mean when it say Add start <folder-name> to your server.cfg

If you want to set up the resource as its own folder, you’ll need to include the command start <folder-name> in your server.cfg file.

For example, if the script’s folder name is bs_roxwoodsport, you would add:

ensure bs_roxwoodsport 


start bs_roxwoodsport

This tells the server to start the resource.