Start up: ~0.1/ms
In use: ~0.01/ms
Idle: 0.00/ms
What is this?
This is a standalone mining script with a few dependencies to make sure everything runs smoothly
It's made to be an extremely configurable mining script that can work with any roleplay server
This resource includes:
- A mining shop
- 3 different mining tools (with animations)
- Mineable rocks with respawn timers
- Process plant to get materials and gemrocks
- A place to break open the rocks for random gems
What do I need?
There are 3 dependencies needed to make sure the script runs smoothly:
- Ox Inventory
- Ox Lib
- Ox Target
Go to the "_installation" folder
Drag and drop the images into ox_inventory: [ox_inventory\web\images]
Copy and paste the items into ox_inventory: [ox_inventory\data\items.lua]
Copy and past the mining shop into ox_inventory: [ox_inventory\data\shops.lua]
Start dom_mining after dependencies
im using quasar inventory, and dont work the store, and the mining animations
can you make it compatible? its really good on the preview
Trying it on my Server would be great if you create a fishing script too
Wow keep up the good work!
Preview won’t load, backup link?
here’s forked version with edited processing feature
now you can’t specify which ore you want to drop, but it’s randomized based on chance (for each item) in config
options = {
-- Value = item to give / Label = display name / Chance = drop chance
{value = 'copper', label = 'Copper', chance = 0},
{value = 'iron', label = 'Iron', chance = 50},
{value = 'gold', label = 'Gold', chance = 50},
How do many people mine at the same time?
By mining at the same time.
hello discord invitation link expired
Hey bro, anyway I could configure this to use a Jackhammer to harvest the stones ?
i can never get this scrpit to fully work