[FREE] DEFCON alerts to the entire city with UI, configurable, and 0.0 ms [ESX/QB]

We’re excited to introduce the DEFCON Announcement Script for FiveM, designed to allow police officers to announce DEFCON levels and alert the entire city. Whether you’re using ESX or QB, this script fits seamlessly into your RolePlay server, enhancing the immersion with a dynamic alert system.

:dart: Key Features:

  • Full Compatibility: Works flawlessly with both ESX and QB, no extra required! :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Custom UI: Includes a simple and sleek interface that integrates smoothly with other scripts. :art:
  • Configurable: Easily modify DEFCON levels, messages, and colors using the provided config.lua. No coding skills needed! :wrench:
  • Optimized Performance: Super lightweight with 0.0 ms performance impact! :rocket:
  • DEFCON Levels: Supports DEFCON 1 to 5, with customizable colors and alerts for each level. :warning:

:wrench: Installation:

  1. Download the script from GitHub.
  2. Place it in your server’s resources folder.
  3. Add ensure forge-defcon to your server.cfg.
  4. Configure the config.lua to match your server’s needs.

:inbox_tray: Download Here: Forge-DEFCON on GitHub
:tv: Preview: Watch the Script in Action on YouTube
MORE SCRIPTS: https://codeforge.tebex.io/

Other SCRIPTS :point_down:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) + 400
Requirements ESX or QB and lockpick script
Support Yes (24/7)

Nice job mate!

1 Like

Very helpfull !! Idk why I didn’t tink about this myself !
Thank for you free work ! :heart:


Thanks! :smiley:


nice work :heart:

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Good job Forge i love it :100: :+1: :100:

The script is very nice, but it only needs an addition.
Webhook Discord Who opened and who closed and so on

Cool idea. However, some constructive critisism for you:
DEFCON 1 is supposed to mean the highest national security threat level.
DEFCON 5 is supposed to mean everything is normal.