[FREE] Custom Del Perro Pier Infrastructure

I am Aegon. I am offering you the highly popular custom Del Perro Pier infrastructure for free. You can download and personalize it as you wish. Additionally, you are free to sell it as well, as the rest is up to your imagination. If you don’t have the knowledge and want a custom pier, you can contact us to design a custom map for you. Also, don’t forget to check out the Pier that is already on sale.

Aegon_DelPerroPier.zip (1.1 MB)

  • Everything has been fixed. If you encounter any issues, please check if there’s a different map in the vicinity. You can customize it yourself using Code Walker.

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A |
| Support | Yes |




I had made it for me too but never released it, good job because there were a lot of props



I’m sorry, there was a small problem. I am sharing the fixed files attached
fixer.zip (868.7 KB)

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i still see floating tables etc sad it looked good in pictures i even applied the fix

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Sometimes these things happen, I think I might have forgotten to add some things since it’s based on the infrastructure of my own map. Those who are in a hurry can easily delete the objects left in the air with Code Walker. I will share another fix file soon.

has an update been provided yet?