[FREE] 🎮 ccDiscordWrapper - Discord Integration for FiveM Servers


:video_game: ccDiscordWrapper - Discord Integration for FiveM Servers

ccDiscordWrapper is a powerful resource that simplifies Discord integration for your FiveM server. It allows you to seamlessly connect your server to Discord, enabling exciting features for your community. Whether you want to send messages, retrieve player Discord information, or sync roles, ccDiscordWrapper has got you covered!

Documentation | Report Bug | Download Now

:art: Showcase

Join our preview FiveM server here to get an exclusive sneak peek at all of our amazing resources, including ccDiscordWrapper, cc-rpChat, and more!

Screenshots or videos of ccDiscordWrapper in action:


:warning: Important Notice

If ccDiscordWrapper is a dependency for another resource, you can ignore this notice.

Please be aware that ccDiscordWrapper does not include any pre-written commands or chat messages. You’ll need to create them yourself. This resource is designed for experienced scripters who have some knowledge of scripting. Only those familiar with scripting will receive support.

:white_check_mark: Features

  • Discord Message Sending:
    Send Discord messages using the configured Discord Bot Token or Webhook URL.

  • Comprehensive Player Discord Information Retrieval :books:
    Access in-game players’ Discord information, including Discord Avatar URLs and highest prioritized Discord roles.

  • Discord Role Synchronization:
    Synchronize in-game roles with corresponding Discord roles.

  • Player Verification:
    Implement a user verification system to link players to their Discord accounts.

  • Deferral Adaptive Cards:
    Enhance Discord communication with interactive Adaptive Cards. Graceful error handling ensures a seamless experience. Customize layouts, buttons, and interactions. Engage your FiveM community with dynamic content.

  • Customizable Chat Integration:
    Customize and integrate Discord chat with your FiveM server.

  • Server Status Updates:
    Send periodic status updates to a designated Discord channel.

  • Error Logging:
    Log server errors and critical events to a specified Discord channel.

  • Command Handling:
    Implement a command handling system to register and manage custom Discord commands.

  • Queue System for Priority Management :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    Prioritize player queue handling based on a configurable list of roles, offering smoother server entry for your community.

  • Customizable and Configurable :gear:
    Tailor ccDiscordWrapper to suit your server’s needs with flexible configurations, making integration smooth and straightforward.

  • Free and Open-Source :computer::free:
    ccDiscordWrapper is completely free and open-source, empowering the FiveM community with accessible and high-quality Discord integration.

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

Follow the official guide to install ccDiscordWrapper.


Download the latest release here.


  1. Create a new folder in your resources folder named ccDiscordWrapper.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive to your ccDiscordWrapper folder.
  3. Add start ccDiscordWrapper in your server.cfg.

:seedling: Source Code

ccDiscordWrapper’s source code is available on GitHub.

You are free to use and modify this code as long as you provide proper credit and never claim it as your own. Selling ccDiscordWrapper or any code derived from it is not allowed. If you create your own version, please link to the original GitHub repo or release it via a Forked repo.

We’re thrilled to share ccDiscordWrapper with the FiveM community. Feel free to use it, experiment with it, and let us know your feedback!

Happy coding and Discord integration! :rocket::smile:


Very nice. Well done!

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nice release

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:tada: Exciting News: Test/Preview Server Now Available! :tada:

We’re thrilled to announce that we now have a dedicated test/preview server open to the public! :rocket: Join us at Concept Collective / Cfx.re to get an exclusive sneak peek at all of our amazing resources, including ccDiscordWrapper, cc-rpChat, and more!

:video_game: Experience our latest features and functionalities first-hand, and see how ccDiscordWrapper seamlessly integrates your FiveM server with Discord. Explore the customizable chat options, player Discord information retrieval, and much more!

:speech_balloon: Connect with Our Community:

This test server is not just about exploring resources; it’s also an opportunity to connect with like-minded developers and server owners. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and exchange ideas with our vibrant community of FiveM enthusiasts!

:loudspeaker: Feedback Matters:

Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to improve our resources. Feel free to let us know what you think, report any issues you encounter, and suggest new features that you’d love to see. Your input helps us shape the future of ccDiscordWrapper and all our other resources.

:star2: Join the Fun!

Don’t miss this chance to get an exclusive preview of our exciting projects! We can’t wait to see you on our test/preview server here or at Concept Collective / Cfx.re.

Happy coding and exploring! :rocket::smile:

Would be cool if the disconnect log showed also the disconnecting reason. Anyway good work!

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Hey there, thanks for the suggestion - I reckon i will add that in the next update! :beers:

Speaking of which the latest update for ccDiscordWrapper has just been released and now includes player leave messages plus a load more :slight_smile:


More information about the latest release is available Here!

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ccDiscordWrapper Update - Version 1.2.0 :rocket:

Hey everyone! We’re thrilled to announce the latest update for ccDiscordWrapper - version 1.2.0! :tada::robot:

What’s New:

:fire: Queue System for Priority Management :hourglass_flowing_sand:
We’ve introduced a brand-new queue system that calculates priority based on a configured list of roles. Now, your players will experience seamless queue handling with prioritized roles, making their FiveM server experience even smoother!

:wrench: Compatibility Mode for Conflict Prevention :wrench:
To address resource conflicts, we’ve added a compatibility mode that’s enabled by default. This ensures that known conflicting resources won’t start when ccDiscordWrapper is initialized. Say goodbye to frustrating resource clashes!

:shield: Configurable Discord Role-Based Server Whitelist :shield:
Enjoy an added layer of security and exclusivity with our new configurable Discord role-based server whitelist. Control server access based on Discord roles for an enhanced community experience.

:no_entry_sign: Fixed GitHub API Rate Limit Issue :no_entry_sign:
We’ve resolved the GitHub API rate limit issue, and now, any potential errors will display as console warnings. This enhancement ensures a smoother operation for your server.

:hammer_and_wrench: Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements :hammer_and_wrench:
We’ve also addressed some minor bugs and made various enhancements to improve overall performance and user experience.

How to Upgrade:

To get your hands on these fantastic new features:

  1. Replace your old ccDiscordWrapper version with the latest one in your resources folder.
  2. Review and update your config.jsonc file to take advantage of the new configurations.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!! :rocket::smile:

More Information

For more information about v1.2.0 of ccDiscordWrapper please visit our Github Releases page

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