[FREE] Buddy Zones


A Standalone resources for drawing zones on the map easily:
This resources creates blips using AddBlipForArea and adds commands for showing and hiding the zones from the map. you can add as many zones as you want from the config file:

Config = {}

-- Main Config
Config.Debug = true 
Config.Notify = "QB" -- QB / Standalone / Custom
Config.EnableCommand = true
Config.Command = "zones" -- Toggle zones command (/[command] show/hide)
Config.CommandArgShow = "show" -- Argument needed to show the zones (/[command] [arg])
Config.CommandArgHide = "hide" -- Argument needed to hide the zones (/[command] [arg])

-- Lang
Config.AlreadyOnError = "Zones are already displayed!"
Config.AlreadyOffError = "Zones are already hidden!"

-- Zones
Config.Zones = {
        Name = "GSF", -- vector2(-73.5, -1566.26)
        Pos = { 
            x = -80.5,
            y = -1568.26,
            z = 56.23,
        Width = 350.0,
        Height = 150.0,
        Display = 4,
        Colour = 25,
        Alpha = 50,
        Rotation = 50,
    { -- vector2(303.09, -2012.24)
        Name = "Vagos",
        Pos = {
            x = 360.09,
            y = -2060.24,
            z = 34.2,
        Width = 175.0,
        Height = 168.0,
        Display = 4,
        Colour = 46,
        Alpha = 50,
        Rotation = 48,

Zones will be displayed on the main map if enabled:


Zones will also be seen on the minimap if enabled:

Download : Github
Other scripts / Support : Tebex


Can they be loaded/unloaded while live without restarting resource, say, with an admin command (ace perms)?

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Currently only way you can reload is with a restart of the resource. Restarting the resource in live environment shouldn’t cause any issues but it’s not a great idea. Maybe i will make the blips load from the database instead of a config file. This way they can be dynamically added/removed/reloaded, you can join my support server i will probably post more about it there.

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Please if you can. Because that would make it very useful to use for event setup too. Like zones for a specific timed event. Another idea could be to have different sets of zones. So for example. Say you have a group of zones you want to use for Gangs in LS. Then a totally different set of zones made for something else like an event or something. Being able to turn off one set or another would be very useful based on commands.

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cool release :slight_smile:

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Dope! Can the zones be configured to automatically show without having to toggle on?

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added “Config.ShowOnStart = true/false”
redownlaod from github

how to fix blips showing on minimap

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Added “Config.ShowBlips = false/true” to the config, download from github