[Free] Blip Creator with Custom Colors!

Simple Blip Creator script that works with all frameworks and requires only ox_lib. This script makes it easy to create new blips and remove ones you no longer need. You can configure permissions so only authorized users can access the commands. It also includes an RGB color selector, letting you choose custom blip colors that aren’t usually available.

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Download from github - GitHub - BuddyNotFound/bbv_blipscreator: bbv_blipscreator
Check out more of our scripts at : https://bbv.world


nice script can you add job restriction ??

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Good work!

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Hey, just to let you know, you dont need to add your own callback code,
ox lib has callbacks:

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same shit as Ef-blips…

How is it the same :joy:, not familiar with ef blips but from what i see the blips are created in a config there, my resource creates them ingame in realtime without needing to restart the script and there is also an rbg selector.

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nice work