Qb plsđź‘Ź
How do you know/decide where the customs area is? Cant seem to find a garage that has it by default.
In the configuration, you can specify your garages, but I believe I added all the garages I could find.
yes it support QB
Where can you set the vehicle upgrades like the engine etc.
If I use modded cars its only gives the potion plate and wheels and color…
Yep, it doesn’t have them. I will add them, it’s just configuration
Nice is this going to take a long time? Cant wait to see it or can I script it my self?
Nice script my man!!
Suggest changing to only available for automotive repair personnel
It’s currently just a configuration for now, as I mentioned. I’ll be adding more details soon. Feel free to edit the script as needed, as long as you follow the provided license agreements
No, it’s not done yet, but it will be in the future. Keep an eye on GitHub for updates.
It haws been added! Also with a few other addition.
Your script by default would not deduct money from the player’s account if on the ESX framework. I have adjusted the code in @bl_customs/server.lua with the following in order to work:
if not lib then return end
local config = require 'config'
local ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
-- Register a callback for custom vehicle mods purchase
lib.callback.register('bl_customs:canAffordMod', function(source, amount)
-- Check if ESX is properly defined
if not ESX then
print("ESX is not properly defined.")
return false
local moneyType = config.moneyType
local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
-- Check if the player exists
if not player then
print("Player not found.")
return false
local playerMoney = player.getAccount(moneyType).money
-- Check if the player has enough money
if amount > playerMoney then
print("Player does not have enough money.")
return false
-- Deduct money from the player's bank account
player.removeAccountMoney(moneyType, amount)
return true
it is, if you used the dependency script bl_bridge
I’ve opened the following issue in github regarding the “turbo” upgrade.
Even if I add it to the list, with the correct ID (18) it doesn’t show up.
Any ideas?
Hi, can you please add society payment to the script?
I mean, if I pay for tuning, the money I pay for it will come out of the society account. So to do that the tuning would be paid for at the end after the player has chosen all the modifications on the vehicle.