[FREE] Arabic Fonts for Fivem

Fonts Arabic for FiveM Servers

a lot of arabic people who want to start a new server they buy a ready files server esx, qbcore or anything (but is free already), and one of those cause is just because they dont know how to translate scripts or download the last update and translate scripts because the game GTAV only supports Latin characters, and if you try change text to Arabic, you will see a square, which means unknown character.

(sorry for my english)

And today you can have tree fonts for free to use them on your server one of them is for me and others are pupler on more then +20k arabic server.



you can also use this Script , to support Arabic without using websites to reverse arabic characters

Yes, I know this one, but it is the easy way, and no one knows how to do it. the exports is harder

Well, I don’t think it’s that hard as u r saying, but anyways I’ve said that I’ll make a pull request for the virial frameworks (QBcore, ESX, vRP) and actually I talked about it here for ESX as an example.
But I’m just too busy in college and daily life stuff, you could say I’m just lazy :smile:.
btw, it’s cool that you’ve shared such a collection, I may use them as an examples in the future.
Thanks, have a great day.

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yes, and video is better for them, trust me

WoW Bro Nice Fonts <3

thanks :green_heart:

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the exports is harder

Check this out. Should be easy enough.

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yy that is perfect