[FREE] Alf Carkeys || The ultimate Vehicle system

Alf Carkeys || The ultimate car system

» Toggle Engine
» Engine Sync
» Lock the Vehicle
» Open the Door, Trunk, Hood
» Open the Window
» Copy Keys
» Give Keys to other Users via. Menu
» Change your Plate

» es_extended
» mysql-async



I use a radial menu, would it be possible to export this function of giving keys or locking to my menu?

But is it somehow possible to implement an option that people who have the copied key to take the car out of the garage?

and I have the problem now that cars that i bought before are not my own anymore it tells me i dont have the keys for that.


Yes there is an Event for this “Alf-Carkeys:OpenKeysMenu”

You can add this at the Bottom:

RegisterCommand("createkey", function()
    local localVehId = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
    local localVehPlate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(localVehId)
    ESX.TriggerServerCallback('Alf-Carkeys:checkIfKeyExist', function(exists)
        if not exists then
            TriggerServerEvent('Alf-Carkeys:createKey', localVehPlate)
            TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', 'Du hast einen Schlüssel für das Fahrzeug: '..localVehPlate.. ' erhalten') 
    end, localVehPlate)
end, false)

then you can create new keys with the command “createkey”


Removed discord link, please review releases rules.

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there is already an Option. but its only for developers that know what they are doing

Sorry, I forgot

can you like label this as esx? ty

There is an esx tag? And there is es_extended in the requirements

srry bout that, i couldnt see tags via my browser, just checked again and saw. my bad

Great release, will definitely use when we develop our ESX server.

Well done!

Good realease and good support :wink:

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Thanks for the share :wink:

I’m looking for a way to let the Engine Always On when stealing a Car (Parked or in use) but i failed at the moment. If someone have and idea, it would save me some sleeping hours
Thanks :wink:

Hi for some reason do not hand over the copied key could you help?

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Could you please explain your problem in more detail

could you translate this script to Enlighs please?

When I have the Time I will add Custom Locale Support

hi it works all i just copy the car key and i want to pass it from the menu and overwrite it but another player doesn’t get it and if an admin or mission doesn’t work either because you don’t own the car and therefore can’t use it