[FREE] Advanced Drive-By (Standalone)


This script has been created especially for FiveM Roleplay servers but can be used for others, too! It restricts the player’s drive-by by not allowing him drive-by if he is driving with higher speed that setted in script configuration.

  1. Download the script
  2. Extract the ZIP file
  3. Rename the script FiveM-AdvancedDriveBy
  4. Drag & Drop the folder into your resources folder in your server data
  5. Put this anywhere in your server configuration file server.cfg
    start FiveM-AdvancedDriveBy

Download Here: GitHub - Petris15/FiveM-AdvancedDriveBy: It restricts the player's drive-by by not allowing him drive-by if he is driving with higher speed that setted in script configuration.


Hello, good excuse the question, what it does is limit the speed of the vehicles to the one you put in the config or exactly what it does, I do not understand the explanation very well, thank you for your attention in advance


Hello, there. The script does not allow player shoot while they are in a vehicle which’s speed is higher than configured!


To everyone wondering why the config speeds don’t work for example the default is 80, well actually, that is 80KPH, which means that actually is 50MPH, so pretty much you just need to convert your value to kph.

Hope this helped


How key to start this? when im in car this doesn’t work

Check the README.md :upside_down_face:

Anyone knows how it works in game?!


From the readme, it’s sounds like a set-it and forget it deal:

This script has been created especially for FiveM Roleplay servers
but can be used for others, too!
It restricts the player’s drive-by by not allowing him/her drive-by if he
is driving with higher speed that setted in script configuration.

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For me, only the one with the speed limit works, but this Advanced Driveby does not work

what conrtols is it for drive by

I put this script in my city but we still cant shoot out of the car, no matter if we are sitting still or driving. it acts like your going to shoot then it cancels out. Can anyone help me with this?

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Great release, great idea!

Thank you.