[FREE] Adrenaline Rush Script – Lyneix_Team

Made with love and high caffeine -

Hey there, server wizards!

Ever wanted to give your players the power of an action movie hero? :man_superhero: Well, now you can! Introducing the Adrenaline Rush Script—your one-way ticket to turning ordinary collisions into extraordinary gameplay moments. Whether you’re rocking ESX, QB, or living the standalone life, this script has got you covered.

What Does It Do?

Picture this: A car smacks your player. But instead of going limp and sad, they bounce back like they’re fueled by energy drinks and pure willpower. That’s adrenaline, baby! :zap:

Makes every vehicle collision a potential story instead of a game-ending moment. More thrills, more drama, more fun! :red_car::zap:

  • Temporary Invincibility OR collisionProof after get hit by a car
  • Temporary Stamina boost
  • Temporary Don’t feel any Injury in while in effect

Here’s the deal:

  • :rocket: Speed Boost: Run faster than your server’s loading screen.
  • :shield: Temporary Invincibility: Laugh in the face of danger (Injury systems in qb-ambulancejob Implemented in update1.1.
  • :star2: Visual Effects: Screen shake, focus mode, and all that good immersive stuff.
  • :musical_note: Custom Notifications: Use ours or make your own—your call!


  • Works with ESX, QB-Core, or Standalone servers. No drama, no fuss.
  • Fully configurable in the config.lua file. Tweak everything to your liking!
  • Open-source and MIT-licensed, because we’re cool like that. :sunglasses:

How to Install

  1. Grab It: Download the Script
  2. Unzip It: Throw the lyneix_adrenalinerush folder into your resources directory.
  3. Add It: to your cfg
ensure lyneix_adrenalinerush

Shout Out

Got feedback, questions, or just want to say hi? Drop a reply here or shoot us a DM. We love hearing from you! This is my first release, so if I’ve made any mistakes, please educate me kindly. :pray:


This script is MIT-licensed, which means you can use, modify, and share it however you like. Just don’t forget to keep the credits where they belong—right here with Lyneix_Team.

Go ahead, give your server some adrenaline. Your players will thank you. Probably. :red_car::dash:


Config = {}

-- Adrenaline rush settings
Config.Cooldown = 10 -- Cooldown duration in seconds
Config.AdrenalineDuration = 10 -- Duration in seconds
Config.SpeedMultiplier = 1.5 -- Sprint speed multiplier
Config.MoveRateMultiplier = 1.5 -- Movement rate multiplier
Config.Invincibility = true -- Enable/disable invincibility during adrenaline rush
Config.UseGroundDamageProof = true -- Toggle between ground damage proof and invincibility

--** !IMPORTANT! **---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- If Config.ByPassInjuryClipset = true when you already in effect and get hit by vehicle again 
-- it kinda make a weird and janky-animation cause it make player can't ragdoll, i'm gonna find a work around on this in next update.
Config.ByPassInjuryClipset = true -- Enable/disable ByPassInjuryClipset during adrenaline rush, If you use qb-ambulancejob and want player to run normal when in adrenaline effect enabled this

-- Weapon hashes for vehicle-related damage
Config.WeaponHashes = {

-- Visual effects
Config.Effects = {
    ScreenEffect = "FocusIn", -- Screen effect for adrenaline rush
    CamShakeType = "LARGE_EXPLOSION_SHAKE", -- Camera shake type
    CamShakeIntensity = 0.1 -- Intensity of the camera shake

-- Audio settings https://wiki.**cencored**.mp/index.php?title=Sounds
Config.Sounds = {
    Enabled = true, -- Enable/disable sound effects
    SoundName = "TIMER_STOP",

-- Notifications
Config.Notify = {
    Enabled = true, -- Enable/disable notifications
    NotifyFunction = function(message)
        -- Custom notification logic; use NotifyFunction = nil to skip to use Framework notifications, Dafault notufy for this func is display in server chat.
        TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { "Custom Notify", message } })

-- Chat messages
Config.Messages = {
    AdrenalineActivated = "Adrenaline Rush activated!",
    AdrenalineEnded = "Adrenaline Rush has ended. Cooldown {cooldown}s."

Config.OnStartAdrenaline = function()
    print("Adrenaline Rush Started!") -- Add your custom logic here
Config.OnEndAdrenaline = function()
    print("Adrenaline Rush Ended!") -- Add your custom logic here

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Update v1.2

:wrench: Bug Fixes:

  • Effect still happen event player instant dead

:lady_beetle: Known bugs TT -(I’m gonna find a way to make this gone in next update T^T)

  • Ragdoll animation is feel off when player get hit another time after adrenaline is taking effect

:sparkles: ADDED FEATURE

  • Added OnStartAdrenaline,OnEndAdrenaline in config.lua for you to tweak what ever you want to it.
  • Make script cleanup after restart or ensure script.
  • Added UseGroundDamageProof in config.lua for if you want player to just immune to only collisionProof than invincible to all damage