[Free] Addon Gang Weapons

Total Pack Weapons: 7
All Files are unlocked !
Include inventory image, weapon names, and ox_inventory installation

Preview: https://youtu.be/9n7wCT-hK8Q

Note: I convert this pack for the FiveM add-on. Original creator AR-15 [Gang Variants] - GTA5-Mods.com


gangweapons.zip (45.2 MB)
via Tebex: Download

My Other Scripts:
Bakery Job
Liquor Job
Popcorn Job
Usable Drugs
Weapon Pack


Gang You Didnt Make These At All. I Know The Creator Who Made These Guns


I’ve mentioned the gun creator in the description.


Nah Not A Hater Jus A Dev That Peep All He Does Is “Makes” Other People’s Work “His”

Can anyone convert these to use qb instead of ox :slight_smile:

Sure, I’ll convert it for qb-core


Thank you so much! :smiley:

has this been converted to QB-core by chance??

Yes, converted for both old and new

humm how to take out the guns ?

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Depends on the inventory and framework. Make sure you check installation files.

i use qb but have ox inventory its easy

i got them to where they are in my admin weapon spawn, and they show up in my inventory, but they won’t pull out

These are custom weapons, you must have to add weapon spawn name in the admin menu.