[FREE] [ADDON] 6x Army Animations

Hi everybody, :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
I thought I’d create an army pack of animations.
But I decided not to make a pack and leave it as it is.
Maybe someone will use it.
You can use animations for your script or dpemotes.
I apologize for my English and have a nice weekend. :heart_eyes:


Type 1

Type 2

File size:


bzzz_addon_army_animations.zip (20.0 MB)

My other releases: Tebex


Awesome, thanks so much for share this for free

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Beautiful work as always Bee!


Hello, is type 2 somewhere? since I only download type 1

Hi @SantiagoTLR ,
all animations are in zip

It is army2 :slightly_smiling_face:

good job!


Really nice, is it possible to make police animations? For example holding vest in and under during winters and stuff like that? :smiley: :slight_smile:

Hi @Dwohakin It is always better to send me pictures (if possible), because then I create according to them. I don’t really understand what you need :smiley: sorry

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Amazing work as always did find a little problem though it will be a simple fix though we all make spelling mistakes from time to time

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:smiley: thanks. I think everybody’s going to name it according to their own language. I’ll fix it when I’m at the PC.

Hope this helps :smiley: (idk if youre Czech, then I would write in Czech, from what I can understand seems like you are but still :smiley:)



Díky. Jojo jsem Češka. Pokud bude chvilka, přidám to :slight_smile:

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Paráda, díky :smiley: :smiley:

Looks good. Nice release.

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thank you

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whats the commad for using it?

If you paste the code from the file “animations_names.lua” into dpemotes, the commands are:
/e army1
/e army1l
/e army1p

/e army2
/e army2l
/e army2p

You can change the commands at will.

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