[FREE] [ADDON] 12 San Andreas Dances by Divined

This is a set of custom add-on animations. As a person who played SAMP for a long time, I thought I’d pay tribute and make a pack of dances from San Andreas. More will come once I can find the time for it. There’s a file included which adds these animations to DPEmotes (you copy and paste it into your DPEmotes AnimationList.lua).


Q: Has it been tested in live environments?
A: Yes and it is optimized, tested in servers with 500-600 player peak times.

Q: Smoothness of the animations?
A: I’ve tried various new techniques over the past couple of months and I think I’ve achieved the perfect export for said animations into GTA. There shouldn’t be any flickering or any issues with the animations, especially the longer ones that are up to 30-40 seconds.

Where can you buy this?

Visit this link to download - https://tritons-store.tebex.io/package/5331426 - or use the link below - your animations will be tied to your CFX account and ready to use if you use this link - additionally you can use the attached file below. Note that these are not allowed to be monetized or resold.
DivinedSADances.zip (76.9 KB)
Video showcasing the animations can be found below

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None, DPEmotes recommended
Support No

Free releases need to be open source. But very cool nonetheless.

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the download must have a normal link and not a tebex link! this is also an escrow script

I’m just used to uploading everything on Tebex to comply with FiveM’s ToS and these are just animations, can’t really make them any more open source than they already are, the only script part is the animationlist which is not encrypted lol.

Not true, I know a quite a number of servers that will only get stuff that is on the escrow system free or not to protect the creators work. I see no issue with him putting them on tebex under escrow to protect what he has done free or not…
If I was making stuff for free it would be on escrow too cause that is a choice of the creator not yourself what he puts and uploads where.

Actually @Beedan you are wrong in what is and what isn’t allowed… I am not a moderator here, but as someone who’s been around the block a few times, this is what the FiveM Forum rules dictate.

  • Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a direct download and may not be Escrow protected, you may include a Tebex link but it may not be the only download.

@DivinedDude as someone who also comes from a SAMP background, and spent a LOT of hours on it back in the day, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE dances! I hope to see more good releases from you in the future. I’ll definitely make use of these. Also, be sure to upload this VIA direct download to the forum so you don’t get yelled at. :heart:

Thanks. Honestly, I don’t agree with putting these as a direct download without keymaster’s protection for the simple fact that it’s not like it’s a script that can be open source that people can review and learn from, it provides no source of educational content for people and is just a reason to argue with OP for no real reason. Doing this in the past, it ended up with people massively reselling my free packages on discord as their own “emote menu” or even monetizing them on their own server, putting their own names on them and so on - if anything it discourages me as a creator from making free packages for the community. Regardless, as is the trend with forums and me not wanting to seem like some evil guy I’ve went ahead and attached a copy of the animations to the thread.

I understand completely, there are lots of scummy people out there that resell other people’s free stuff which sucks. I’ve seen it continuously here on the forums and have called people out for it A LOT in the past. Unfortunately as creators it’s not about whether people agree with the policies or not, but to suck it up and comply with them since that is all we can do to avoid trouble or “seeming like some evil guy” as you put it. If you don’t want to be bound by the terms of service and rules for releases, create our own platform that is bound by your own rules. Otherwise compliance is the only solution. As crappy as it sounds that’s how CFX seem to want things.

The best thing you can do is if somebody DOES take your free release and attempt to “resell” it, flag the post to the mods, provide proof that you are the OP of the content, and the CFX team will remove the offending post. I’ve seen that done many times as well, and can say that the team does react accordingly to reports. Or simply make your “paid” packages and list them for sale.

Best thing to do if you’re worried about resellers is to put a license on it and dcma protect it. It’s a pain to enforce but it’s about your only option with free resources.

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Oh I have been around the block too been on the platform since it first came up in 2016 and I am all for protection I would rather use his escrow version over free no protected just to protect his work, like hey I am in the process of all the vehicles and clothing I have downloaded from 5Mods asking creators for their permission to put their clothing in my server and also have it under the escrow system to be on my serve, if they don’t allow me then it doesn’t go into my server… my entire framework it almost on escrow and it is the way I will have it, if comes down the line I want to give back to the community and release the framework then it will be on escrow for free too, too much work and effort has gone into it for people just to then download and claim as theirs it has been like that since FiveM first began and now protection is here creators and devs have their rights to protect what they have made.

End of rant, and again when it comes to free releases I will contact the dev on the forums via PM to see if they can put it on escrow then send it to my cfx account for there protection

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