[FREE] 5M-CodeX Sugar Tank

SugarTank - Vehicle Sabotage


SugarTank is a FiveM resource that allows players to sabotage vehicles by pouring sugar into the gas tank. This action disables the vehicle’s engine and prevents it from starting.


  • Players walk to a vehicle and press K to sabotage the nearest vehicle.

  • Sabotaging a vehicle plays a gardening water animation. (Soon to come)

  • The engine of the sabotaged vehicle is damaged and will fail shortly.

Getting Started


  • FiveM server with appropriate permissions to install resources.


  1. Clone or download this repository.

  2. Rename the folder to sugartank (optional).

  3. Place the sugartank folder in the resources directory of your FiveM server.

  4. Add the following line to your server.cfg file:

ensure SugarTank


  • Players walk to a vehicle and press K to sabotage the nearest vehicle.

  • Sabotaging a vehicle plays a gardening water animation on the player. ( Soon to come)

  • The engine of the sabotaged vehicle is damaged and will fail shortly.

  • There is a configurable Cool-Down






This resource is licensed under the MIT License.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 107
Requirements N/A
Support Yes



whats the resmon

thats it idle? what is it when your next to the gas tank?

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nice idea

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ooh nice idea! it would be cool if you make it an item used rather than a button pressed

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I will be making exports and a configurable to stop the helptext.

I dont want force inventory in people who dont want it.

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ah makes sense

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nice script! would be nice in the future to make a update, that you can toggle if you want, that you can disable the whole interaction thing and use an item near a vehicle instead

Soon to come :white_check_mark:

is the link down?

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preview ??