Fraud script

Sick of drugs being the only way to generate constant income in a criminal matter give your server a fresh face on criminal activity with Bxe Scam!!


Full Config you can change locations , prices, peds, animations, times etc

tebex link—

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2300
Requirements latest esx legacy ,ox_target, esx-legacy, polyzone, ox_lib
Support Yes




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Looks really neat - would be nice to be able to change the target script required though. Unfortunately don’t use ox-target :frowning_face:

Ill add it tonight and push update ill post when done



Bought your script, awesome! some webhooks would be nice also.


i have an issue that the peds won’t spawn, i have a NYC server but i can’t get the peds to spawn

You have to move them then it was made for the Los santos map but I have used it on New York if they are not spawning check your cords .

can you guys make a qb core version? i purchased the esx version now im going over to qb core

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yo! curious, we just swooped this script. Pretty much drag and drop! Thats nice these days!
But how you get people sitting in the window! lol

EDIT/SUGGESTION: Any chance we could get a configure/external for the police alert? So i can put it in my dispatch system pretty please?

what dispatch system do you use and thanks

cd_dispatch, its a pretty common one.
Really love the script, only fret would be the alert <3 thanks for replying quickly!

i have a cd dispatch version ill send u a inbox

Can we now use it without ox ?

yes , some people have used it with other inventories which are you using

I have basic inventory from my personnal menu

curious is this offered in a more open source?
I have somethings I want to add for events, for police alerts? or is there documentation for the events, i have a NPC caller that works off events.

I also need to edit cd_dispatch alerts to provide more alerts and add departments. Really love this script but would love some more adaptability. Essentially moved to ox_target and this was first buy!

I need to likely join back up on discord, but dont have nitro and tons of many.

Having some errors do you have any discord or anywhere to contact?

sure inbox me here