Foundation Roleplay | Economy Based | Hiring POLICE, EMS, FIRE | Car Culture | semi-whitelist


Discord: Foundation Roleplay

:rotating_light:| Hiring POLICE/EMS/FIRE
:money_with_wings:| 100% FREE TO PLAY
:lock:| Optional Whitelist

:money_with_wings:| Economic Roleplay

:red_car:| In-Depth car culture, high octane racing, moto, dirt track, etc !

:pill:| Gang turf with drug control

:office:| Player owned businesses (Can be bought with in-game cash)!

:hammer_and_wrench:| In-house Devs, exclusive resources only our server has!

:people_holding_hands:| Community Driven, everyone helps each other out!

:handshake:| Partnered with Samurai Development!

Discord: Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Update 1.41

  • added gksphone (replaces high-phone)
  • added Koil and Team inspired banking system
  • gabz Vespucci beach update added
  • several mlo removals to increase performance
  • Added a pilot job: deliver packages or take passengers, npc and players.
  • improved heists and robberies payouts
  • increased drug payouts
  • new cars to dealerships.

Update 1.37

  • major overhaul to blackmarket items.
  • readded crypto sticks for easy crypto
  • added new basketball script with 3 minigames; horse, around-the-world, and free throw. even has wagers!
  • removed gta ambient sounds within the world for better experiences in mlos and house shells

Update 1.38

_ lootable christmas trees around the city, get your gifts !

  • go to legion, and help santa get some gifts out to locals of Los Santos for some useful goods.
  • find candy canes around the city and turn them in for gifts at the traders!

general fixes:

  • tackle is for police only now
  • blackmarket fixes for more accurate ped, and better location system ( ped moves every hour)

Update 1.39.4

  • added police radar detectors for crims
  • new police siren sounds
  • new low riders!
  • 120+ new emotes

Update 1.39.5

  • grade your trading cards!
  • flip/rotate and show your cards to nearby players
  • exclusive cards made by myself and members of the community
  • new plushie toys to collect

Update 1.39.6

  • new clothing
  • artifact update to 6248
  • removal of several unused jobs and their mlo
  • increased new player bank starting money

Join today, and take a picture of your character for a free playing card!

Please make a ticket in discord for further assistance!


want to be hired at a ems or firefighter! join us today!

Update 1.41.6

  • more mlo homes added to purchase with ingaame cash!
    —told yall this is a free to play city! stop playing servers where you have to pay irl for shit!

  • full fast and furious collection cars added
    — be on the look out for these to start driving on the streets, will be avaiable for VIN scratches!

  • added wine making back
    — also new expensive wines added, gotta find the vendor in city, ask around!

  • prep for turf wars
    — we will be adding a ‘GTA:San Andreas’ style turf system, AI and player gunfights! control and get paid for protection from businesses in the turf!

  • menu changes for mechanic shops
    — locked menus to specific jobs, see a registered mechanic business in town to get work done on your car.
    you can still use F1 at Auto Exotic to repair!

  • increased boxed chicken sell price!


  • increase sell price of weed BAGS, and BRICKS!
  • also added more strain seeds in traders!
  • better benefits like lower stress and armor gains!

added turfs and pimping!

  • full gang turfs with passive income bonuses!
  • you can now pimp hoes for some quick money


Relaunch :rocket: January 5th, 2024 !

Fresh wipe and economy values!

Major updates:

  • foundation made racing flag system with points standings

  • new medical/injuries systems

  • 50+ ways to make money legally

  • huge housing projects update; support ipls, mlo, and shell homes, even Create your own island!

Can you please tell your staff to stop dming other servers players and trying to poach them. It has come across my attention they are also talking bad about other servers which is not a good look. One of the discord users are datboymalaki82224 but there have been multiple reports to me.

This will be investigated. Thank you for the notice, if you could make the report to my team as well to be looked at the furthest.

This person is not a staff of foundation but a player, if you could make the effort to dm me about this situation rather than a forum for server bazaar… thanks