I get off the vehicle intermittently while driving.
There is no change in the logs, so no logs exist.
Is it a resource problem?
set es_enableCustomData 1
set mysql_connection_string “server=■■■■■■■”
Only change them if you’re using a server with multiple network interfaces.
endpoint_add_tcp “”
endpoint_add_udp “”
set sv_UseDirectListing true
set sv_listingIPOverride “■■■■■■■:30120”
sets Adresse “■■■■■■■:30120”
exec permissions.cfg
start vMenu
start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
restart sessionmanager
start fivem
start ■■■■■■■
start baseevents
start esx_discord_bot
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.sets allow
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.add_principal allow
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start async
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start es_extended
start cron
start instance
start stifler_lock
#----Liste des Joueurs----#
start esx_scoreboard
start replyandreport-esx #Système du report au admin avec réponse
start esx_fireDispatch
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_list
start esx_menu_dialog
start NativeUILua_Reloaded #Dépendance du menu F5
start NativeUI
start Arkadia_personalmenu #Menu F5
#----IPL FIVEM----#
start bob74_ipl
start esx_addonaccount #Argent Société
start esx_addoninventory #Coffre inventaire société
start esx_datastore #Coffre
start esx_society #Argent société + controle société
start esx_billing #Facture
start esx_sit
start connectqueue #FILE D’ATTENTE
#start esx_douane #Whiteliste
start panzar-load #Screen de chargement
start reboot #Annonce le Reboot
start vSync #Synchronisation du temps pour tout le monde
start pNotify #Système de notification
start pvp #Active le PvP entre joueurs
start scriptpnj #Gère la densité des PNJ
start CalmAI #Les IA sont calme
start gd_airport_ai_begone #Supprime les avions de la map
start ProtectPnj #DisableDispatch / removeAIcops / novehicleweapon / nodroppnj / deletearmevehicule & more
start vdk_call #Addon Police, Ambulance et Mécano du GCPHONE
start gcphone #Téléphone
start esx_addons_gcphone #Addon du téléphone
start esx_cartesim #Sim Card GCPHONE
start screenshot-basic #App Photo GCPHONE (Windows ONLY)
start knockout #Tombé KO Technique
start pausemenu-title #Titre du menu ECHAP
start eden_jail #Tenue Prisonnier devant les cellules
start suptime #Uptime serveur
start progressBars #Barre chargement lors de réanimation/réparation etc
start Radargun #Pistolet Radar (Vintage Pistol)
start vir-deathscreen #Animation Mort Pulsation
#start esx_headbag #Sac sur la tête pour caché la vue
start esx-qalle-jail #Prison
start esx_teleports
start esx_ktackle #Plaqué quelqu’un au sol (Policier Only)
start esx_rpchat
start esx_license #Licence pour les joueurs
start esx_identity
#start esx_teleportpads
start skinchanger #Changer sont skin
start esx_skin #Skin au spawn
start esx_accessories #Accessoires vêtements
start VetementHomme
start Arkadia_tenue_1
start Arkadia_tenue_2
start esx_basicneeds #Status Faim et Soif
start esx_optionalneeds #Status Bourré
start esx_status
start ft_libs
start esx_celldoors #Fermé et Ouvrir les portes commico
start afkkick #Kick les AFK
start esx_entitysync #Synchonise les entités
start esx_vehicleshop #Job Vente de véhicule
start esx_property #Maison + Appartement
start esx_weapons #Skin Armes etc
start esx_weaponscomponents #Accessoires Armes
start qalle_policearmory #Armes Policiers
start esx_utils #Chargeur Armes + Jumelle + Caméra Helico
start esx_dmvschool #AutoEcole
start NativeUI_shops #Superette
start esx_bankrobberies #Braquage de Banque
start esx_lscustom #Vente Custom Véhicule
start esx_eden_clotheshop #Magasin de vêtements
start NativeUI_barber #Boutique de Cheveux
start esx_prw_tatooshop #Boutique de Tatouage
start esx_quincaillerie #Vente Skin et accessoires Armes
#start npcs #PNJ Vente Drogues
start esx_joblisting #Prise du Job Pôle Emploi + Blips
start esx_jk_jobs #Prise du Job Pôle Emploi
start esx_avocatjob #Job Avocat
start esx_policejob #Job Policier
start esx_unicornjob #Job Unicorn
start esx_bahamajob #Job Bahama
start esx_realestateagentjob #Job Agent Immobilier
#start esx_securoservjob #Job SecuroServ
start esx_duty #Prise/Quitté le service EMS et Police
#start esx_journaliste
#start WeazelNewsCam
#start esx_statejob #Gouvernement
start esx_illegal #Jobs Armes Illégal
#-----Jobs Farms-----#
start esx_jobs #Job Pôle Emploi
start esx_tabacjob #Job Tabagiste
start esx_ambulancejob #Job Ambulancier + Farm Métier
start esx_mecanojob #Job Mécano
start esx_vigneronjob #Job Vignerons
start esx_pompistejob #Job Pompiste
start esx_drugs #LA DROGUE !
start MF_DrugSales #Vente de drogue Coordonnée Dealer -1152.0,-1447.54,4.71, 36.74
start DopePlant #Pousse de Drogue
#-----Gang Job2-----#
start esx_kano #Kudo-Kai
start esx_ballas #Crimson
start MF_LockPicking
start MF_SafeCracker
start mhacking
start MF_Fleeca #Braquage Petite Banque
start loffe_heist #Braquage Pacific Standard
start loffe_robbery #Braquage Superette
start esx_mask
start esx_vehicleshop
start esx_carshowroom #Showroom Véhicule
start esx_eden_garage #Garage Voiture
start esx_trunk #Inventaire Véhicule
start esx_location #Location de véhicule au spawn du serveur
start esx_RealisticVehicleFailure #Problème moteur et autre après accident
start esx_legacyfuel
start esx-kr-vehicle-push
start InteractSoundS
start seatbelt
start speedometer #Compteur de vitesse + Essence
start RealisticAirControl
start esx_vehiclelock #Clé voiture
start Car_Doors
start lux_vehcontrol #Controle des sirènes des voitures
start ESX_GiveCarKeys-1.1 #échange voiture entre particulié
start mapbuilder
start lspdloader
start prison-map-addon #Prison
start SLBK11_MissionRow #LSPD
start nw_bahamaMama #Porte Bahama
start coloredhud #HUD Coloré Blips Armes Radio
start nw_mine
start streammap
start Arkadia_unicorn #Unicorn
start mappings
start Arkadia_medical #Hopital
start lsms #Hopital
start modular_carlift #Mécano ouverture garage + ajout de la passerelle
start new_banking #Interface ATM
start jsfour-idcard #Carte d’Identité
start police_radio #Animation Armes Police + Animation civil
start gang_action #Animation Armes Gang
start esx-checkdeathcause #Identifié la mort
start DamageWalkMode #Boitte a partir de 60HP
start esx_customui #HUD Faim/Soif/Bourré + Gestion Voix
start CarryPeople #Menu Interaction Rapide Option Porter ou “PiggyBack”
start Radiant_Animations #Animation Menu Interaction Rapide
start radialmenu #Menu Interaction Rapide
start esx_announce #Annonce Admin
start esx_spectate #Spectate + Voir inventaire
start FiveM-BanSql-1.0.8 #Système de Bannissement
#차량 애드온
start astonmartin_ast
start astonmartin_db7zagato
start astonmartin_db11
start astonmartin_spyker
start astonmartin_vantage2019
start astonmartin_virage
start astonmartin_vulcan
start nissan_180sx
start nissan_300zx
start nissan_370z
start nissan_gtr
start nissan_lwgtr
start nissan_patrolnismo
start nissan_qash
start nissan_silvia15
start nissan_skyline
start nissan_titan
start bentley_ContinentalGT2013
start bentley_EXP10
start bentley_galumma
start bentley_MulsanneMulliner2013
start bentley_supersport
start bmw_760i
start bmw_bmwm3e30
start bmw_bmwm3e46
start bmw_bmwm3gts
start bmw_bmwm72017
start bmw_e30
start bmw_i8
start bmw_m1
start bmw_m2
start bmw_m3
start bmw_m3e46
start bmw_m3f80
start bmw_m4
start bmw_m5
start bmw_m5f90
start bmw_m6
start bmw_x5m
start bmw_x6m
start bmw_z3m
start bmw_z4
start bugatti_chiron
start bugatti_veyron
start cadillac_XLRV
start dodge_16charger
start dodge_2017Charger
start dodge_demon
start dodge_dodgechallenger
start dodge_dodgecharger
start dodge_dodgeram
start dodge_oldcharger
start dodge_viper
start dodge_vipersrt
start ferrari_288gto
start ferrari_360
start ferrari_430s
start ferrari_458special
start ferrari_488mansory
start ferrari_812
start ferrari_aperta
start ferrari_enzo
start ferrari_enzoferarri
start ferrari_f40
start ferrari_fxxk
start ferrari_nlargo
start ferrari_pista
start ferrari_portofino
start ferrari_testarossa
start jaguar_fpacehamann
start jaguar_xjr
start jaguar_xkrsgt2
start koenigsegg_agerar
start koenigsegg_regera
start korea_tuscani
start korea_veloster
start lamborghini_aventadors
start lamborghini_centenario
start lamborghini_diablo
start lamborghini_gallardo
start lamborghini_huracan
start lamborghini_murcielago
start lamborghini_urus
#—메르세데스 벤츠—
start mercedes_amggle
start mercedes_benzsl63
start mercedes_benzx
start mercedes_biome
start mercedes_brabus850
start mercedes_c63
start mercedes_cla45
start mercedes_e63amg
start mercedes_g6x6
start mercedes_g6x6brabus
start mercedes_g60l
start mercedes_g65amg
start mercedes_GL63
start mercedes_gle63s
start mercedes_gle450
start mercedes_gt
start mercedes_mlbrabus
start mercedes_s500
start mercedes_sls
start porsche_718boxster
start porsche_911carreras
start porsche_cayenne
start porsche_cayman
start porsche_panamera2017
start porsche_rufrgt
start rollsroyce_phantom
start rollsroyce_sweptail
start rollsroyce_wraith
start tesla_pd
start tesla_t
start tesla_tr22
start tesla_x
start tesla_models
start Bike_goldwing
start Bike_h2carb
start Bike_hayabusa
start Bike_hvrod
start Bike_mt03
start Bike_zx10r
#start LSPD
start police_1
start police_2
start police_3
start police_super_1
start police_super_2 #lamborghini
start police_super_3 #bugatti
start police_super_4 #ferrari
#start LSFD
start taxi #Taxi + Modif vitesse voiture police
start ambulance_1
start ambulance_2
start ambulance_3
start ambulance_firetruck_1
start ambulance_heliWater
start carpack
start mi8
start viktoraddoncars
start ammunationVehicles
start astonmartin_superleggera
start audi_a8fsi
start audi_aaq4
start audi_rs3
start chevrolet_2020ss
start chevrolet_zl12017
start ford_gt
start gmc_s
start jeep_2012
start mclaren_P1
start NoBrand_1
start NoBrand_2
start Lana
start Sam
start Mai
start Tifa
start A2
start A2DLCS
start A2S
start A2W
start 2B
start 2BARMOR
start 2BARMORS
start 2BARMORW
start 2BDLCS
start 2BS
start 2BW
start MaiCos
start MaiLuxury
start MaiLuxury2
start Nurse
start SF
start esx_jobChat
start chat-theme-civlifechat
start groovehus
start esx_fireDispatch
start HeliCam
start PoliceBK
start ELS
sv_scriptHookAllowed 1
sets tags “Korea, Korean, RP, Rollplay”
sv_hostname “^4[^0KR|RP^1]^0 Korea -SandBox-
Server |
#exec server_internal.cfg
load_server_icon myLogo.png
set temp_convar “hey world!”
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don’t allow quit
add_principal identifier.steam:■■■■■■■ group.admin # add the admin to the group
sv_endpointprivacy true
sv_maxclients 32
sv_licenseKey ■■■■■■■
set steam_webApiKey ■■■■■■■
restart sessionmanager