Flying Cam [GTA: Online Camera in Clouds]

Hi, im looking for effect like “Flying camera in clouds” while u joining Gta: Online session. I attached a video for example. I know that its possible to make, but i didnt found any information or effects for this camera.
M8be somebody know about effect or something like that?

And there is video.


I know this is a bit late, but doing something with:

StartPlayerSwitch(PlayerPedId(), PlayerPedId(), 513, 1)

works. This variation will leave you hanging in the clouds, you can use StopPlayerSwitch() to stop that. Heres the native reference for it:


Thanks a lot, ill try it as soon as possible <3

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hi, sorry if i write you after all this months… i was able to achieve the animation and leave it suspended for all the time i need to… the problem is… how do make the zoom in effect? i mean the reverse of the camera going up on the sky, the StopPlayerSwitch() just stop it (like a cutscene)

hey did you figure it out?

I did a while back, I found an unknown native which did the trick. It’s now been documented (SwitchInPlayer) and you can use it as follows.

SwitchOutPlayer(PlayerPedId(), 0, 1) Will put you up into the clouds and leave you there then
SwitchInPlayer(PlayerPedId()) (_0xD8295AF639FD9CB8)Takes you back down to your ped and moves the camera if the ped is in a different location.

StartPlayerSwitch(PlayerPedId(), PlayerPedId(), 255, 1)

This starts the camera in the clouds and zooms you into your ped

the native you’re looking for is this one

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Why are you reiterating what I’ve already said?
It adds nothing to the topic…

sorry mr president didn’t read your post


okay thats my script right now

SwitchOutPlayer(PlayerPedId(), 0, 1)

SwitchOutPlayer(PlayerPedId(), 255, 1)

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hmm it didnt work :confused:

show your full script

where to put this StartPlayerSwitch(PlayerPedId(), PlayerPedId(), 255, 1)?

In the client side / in a thread

hey can you explain me where to put StartPlayerSwitch(PlayerPedId(), PlayerPedId(), 255, 1)?

what thread in what folder to put it

I found another topic to “SwitchOutPlayer” - I want to link this for reference:

Maybe these two topics could be useful together

@Jaymo already provided the answer… not sure why there’s so much confusion.
Of course nobody’s going to give you the full script completed, jaymo gave you the natives that you needed to use and now it’s up to you to put those to use in your script wherever you want to put them.

Anyone know how to set camera to deafult or stop this native? Because my camera hangs on the third blink =(