Flordia State Rolelpay Community OPEN NOW!

:palm_tree: Florida State Roleplay Community: NOW OPEN! :palm_tree:
Yes, it’s another server… but not just any server! If you’re looking for Serious RP with immersive content on a vMenu-based server, you’ve come to the right place. Everything here is custom-built to enhance your roleplay experience with smooth performance and unique scripts.

What We Offer:

:house: 50+ Walk-In Homes across the map, all customizable to make them your own
:cityscape: Loads of open interiors for expanding roleplay ideas

:red_car: Custom Civilian Vehicles that fit the GTA vibe
:oncoming_police_car: LEO Fleets with boats, trucks, bikes, ATVs, and more for each department

:policeman: Custom EUP for LEO and Civilians (with more options for women)
:paw_prints: K9 Menu created by us with friendly and non-friendly options

:iphone: Custom Phone System for in-server communication, with each business getting its own line
:oncoming_police_car: Custom ALPR, Seatbelt Radar, and Speed Radar systems with Plate Reader and Shot Spotter

:small_blue_diamond: Character-linked ID System
:small_blue_diamond: Active Admin and Supportive Staff
:small_blue_diamond: Controller-Friendly and Optimized Scripts

:calling: Our fully integrated, custom-built CAD system includes a live map for dispatch and features like shot spotter and radar.

No applications, no patrol logs—just hop in and roleplay! LEO positions are open across all departments, so find your role and make it yours.

Ready to jump in? Join us today:

:busts_in_silhouette: Discord: Florida State Roleplay Community
:globe_with_meridians: Server Connection: server1.floridastateroleplaycommunity.com

There’s a whole world of possibilities waiting. Don’t take our word for it—come experience it for yourself!

Open now