Flight Simulation Game (WIP)

FiveM Flight Game (WIP)

It was first released about a year ago on github, but I never posted it on the forum.

GitHub - Psykopaten/fivem-flight-game

If you like the resource and wants more updates please star my project.

Update 2024 April

Preview of up coming features and existing features: Watch 2024-04-20 22-47-17 | Streamable


  • NativeUI
  • Go into NativeUI/NativeUI.lua and goto line 2676 and change if Item() == "UIMenuItem" then to if type(Item) == "table" and Item.__index == UIMenuItem then
  • PMA-Voice to make radio work

Add this to server.cfg

ensure InteractionMenu
ensure vehicleControls
ensure planehud
ensure flight-radio


You can also add this if you want the players to spawn at the airport
Step 1. Go into [gamemodes]/[maps]/fivem-map-hipster or [gamemodes]/[maps]/fivem-map-skater
Step 2. Go into the map.lua files and remove all lines that have a spawnpoint in the start and replace them with this:

spawnpoint 's_m_m_pilot_01' { x = -933.1028, y = -2967.3000, z = 13.9451 }
spawnpoint 's_m_m_pilot_01' { x = -934.6771, y = -2966.3225, z = 13.9451 }
spawnpoint 's_m_m_pilot_01' { x = -935.4889, y = -2967.6309, z = 13.9451 }
spawnpoint 's_m_m_pilot_01' { x = -933.5282, y = -2969.0061, z = 13.9451 }

Coming up next update

  • Advanced system or NUI

wooow its great script bro

Looks great

Couple of things for those of us aviation geeks

Altitude should be in feet (as per height on altimeter in a plane)

Would be good if a radio channel had atc playing (plenty of recordings on yt, not sure if thats an option or in your planning)

Ah, okey I will change from meters to feet in next update! Thank you for for letting me know.

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:+1: Pretty slick

Hey mate,

Excellent release - I’ve always loved flight sim games, including FiveM flight resources. One question I’ve got though, any reason you opted to use NativeUI (which has been deprecated since 30 Jan this year) instead of LemonUI?

Or even better, my dear @manups4e’s resource : ScaleformUI

The reason I suggested LemonUI is because it provides a clear upgrade path as well as detailed information on how to replace the classes.

LemonUI is in C# while the scripts here are in Lua, also NativeUI by guad is archived… but NativeUI from FiveM that is based on Guard’s library (which I maintained before ScaleformUI) is up to date and working fine, with features that Guad’s and LemonUI don’t have.
ScaleformUI is even better.

You’re aware that NativeUI is also written in C#, just packed into a drag-and-drop friendly resource, yes? I’d expect a contributor to know that…

It’s also hardly up-to-date given it’s last release was over 2 years and 3 months ago. LemonUI has had 9 releases since NativeUI’s last release.

I stand by my comment that NativeUI is old, outdated, and needs to be retired.

Impressive, i like it

Amazing job thx for sharing

You know that the resource you’re commenting is in Lua right so this makes this Convo absolutely useless right? :blush: I don’t care if you like LemonUI… also… I literally maintained NativeUI for FiveM until I made ScaleformUI specifically for FiveM. I don’t care about anything else :blush:.
Also… I mean… every C# resource for FiveM is “packed” (I’d say compiled but I assume you don’t know C# well enough)… besides that I stand what I said… I don’t care about the library… This resource we are commenting is in Lua so a C# library is totally useless here


The resource lists NativeUI as a dependency. I stated that NativeUI is no longer supported, so using it as a dependency is not a good idea and pointed out an alternate resource that does the same thing, and is still current.

A Dynamic Link Library (.dll file such as NativeUI.dll or LemonUI.FiveM.dll) is akin to a Lua file. The difference between the two is that the source code file needs to be “compiled” from it’s .cs file into it’s binary format .dll and then that dynamic link library “packed” into a FiveM-ready resource (including a resource manifest file, and any other client or server sided files) before it is installed onto the server. So yes, while I do not admit to knowing a significant amount regarding C# libraries I know enough to use them efficiently, and to not use outdated versions.

And FWIW, assumptions can leave us with an egg on our face.

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You know that there’s a NativeUI resource in lua too right?
I mean… you can facepalm all day long… but… the resource is in Lua… it uses Lua NativeUI… I admire you’re way of trying to be a smart person and all… but… if you clicked the NativeUI link you’d have seen it’s the Lua library… I hope that this won’t leave an egg on your face :blush:
Besides that I have no intention to fight against what library is better… I maintained FiveM NativeUI C# library until I made ScaleformUI that is made both for C# and Lua and a JS version is in the works… at this point the choices I would have recommended to the dev would have been between NativeUILua, ScaleformUI, RageUI

The Lua version is even worse… 5 years and 10 months since its last update. It’s also been archived since 02 March 2019. I’m not trying to be a smart person, I’m trying to discourage the use of old deprecated resources when supported variations that perform the same task exist.

The idea to the discussion is that developers shouldn’t be using deprecated resources as dependencies when there’s resources out there that do the exact same thing, and are supported. It’s completely unnecessary and only introduces potential unknown vulnerabilities.

Well… make it yourself if you’re so good at complain :blush: you’re also good at make your own Lua menu library… it’s the dev choise to use what the community gives them… you complain like the dev could use a C# library to make menus in Lua… this means you don’t know that it can’t be done without events or exports… you complain about the time the lib was updated… awesome ScaleformUI was updated this week​:blush:

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I don’t need to reinvent the wheel, it’s already been done. And it’s not a complaint, it’s a recommendation to the developer that they shouldn’t be using deprecated dependencies.

Finally, I don’t know what correlation there is between “complaining” and one’s ability to develop resources.

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I think it is important to provide advice to each other on the lastest/best/easier to use resources and to also provide advice on which resources may not work or are running out of life time usage.

Not everyone is up todate or has that specific knowledge.

Thanks for your input and advice :slight_smile:

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It is absolutely… but is also important to know what are we talking about… I was just trying to tell him since the beginning that this is a Lua resource… It’s useless to suggest a C# library for it… of course there are better menu libraries… but it’s also up to the dev to use them… this whole conversation started because of that :thinking: and I think it’s useless to keep going forward… besides… NativeUILua works… is amazing and powerful enough to run an entire game mode… I don’t think it’s garbage only because it is not maintained anymore… if we all speak for “old”… GTA V is from 2013… so… Yeah…