[Fixed] Pause Menu shows the wrong menu

Hello! I have encountered a weird bug over the last few weeks.

Long story short, I have a resource which updates some of the Pause Menu text entries (Game Name, Player Name, Player Money, Player Bank). This is how the pause menu usually looks on the server:

When I leave my character online overnight (need to mention, for this bug to reproduce, I need to be online for more than 6 - 8 hours, never happened when I was playing), the Pause Menu changes, like I would switch the character in GTA V to a new one, and it looks like this:

I have checked the resource which is updating the Pause Menu Text Entries, but it seems to be running fine setting those values, also restarted it, but I am still seeing a wrong Pause Menu.

Need to mention, I am not able to see other people which are near me…
I have tried checking if I’ve been moved to a different Bucket, but that didn’t happened.

Did anyone else ever encountered this and knows why it happens?

Thank you!

Update: Found the issue, seems to be a call to ‘NetworkSessionLeaveSinglePlayer()’ native…It has exactly the same behaviour when called manually.

How you change menu color like this?