[Fixed] Change Color of Sirens Light

I am trying to make a Mechanic car to light Orange instead of Red/blue as police and Ambulnce have.

Okey, i have tried bit by making a Carcols.meta with a edit .Lua . Event download a Sheriff car that had all that Data ( Carcols.meta and Lua file in it ) but i cant get it to work, Nothing happends.
The Server is on ESX script…

Anyone that can show me the way how its done?

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show us your carcols.meta you made


carcols.meta (41.4 KB)

Only thing i cange was the Color value … to BF6600 … ( 0xFF and BF6600 )

Find this page but it does not say how to change

Okay so you’ve done the correct thing there, then the vehicle you are modifying have you downloaded it’s carvariations.meta and modified the siren settings in it and streamed it along with the carcols.meta?

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Look like this in the folder:
data ( carcols, carvariations and Vehicles meta file are in )
stream ( the cars yft and ytd file are in )

Lua looks like this:
resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’

files {

data_file ‘VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE’ ‘data/vehicles.meta’
data_file ‘CARCOLS_FILE’ ‘data/carcols.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE’ ‘data/carvariations.meta’

client_script ‘data/vehicle_names.lua’

Try updating the manifest version to the latest, make sure you clear the server cache before you try it.

resource_manifest_version ‘05cfa83c-a124-4cfa-a768-c24a5811d8f9'
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How do i update Manifest?

This carcols.meta file … can it if this work be use to other cars?

I just gave you the line of code to replace the one in your file.

Replace this

resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’

with this

resource_manifest_version ‘05cfa83c-a124-4cfa-a768-c24a5811d8f9'
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Damn nope …
Where do this car take the color for the sirens? is there another file somewhere that i need to change?

The car is named police4 somehow …even if its not a police car

whats in your carvariations.meta ?


carvariations.meta (8.1 KB)
There is the file
Never look at that thought it had nothing to do with light

carvariations.meta (8.1 KB)
carcols.meta (41.4 KB)

Try these 2. Make sure you backup your old ones just incase. And clear your server cache again and restart the server.

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Nope …
Does not make sence atm … dont understand where the sirens are linked to get that blue/red color from start … from ordanary GTA files or where?

Now i downloaded https://sv.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/portuguese-public-security-police-volkswagen-beetle-1962-addon/download/11562

and tried change just the headlight to orange… didnt work either

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Smallo, where in carvariation file is liked to the carcols ?
Loooking thrue that and find nothing that have clue about its linked together…
Somewhere it says that in carcols the item ID value="" but i cant find that in carvariation …is there any explanation how carvariation works?

  1. change texture colors of lightbar/lights to yellow/orange (ytd file)
  2. convert custom carcols sirens setting to yellow/orange with custom ID (defaults are 1 thru 15, I think so use a number like 110 or 223)
  3. vehicle carvariations must point to custom carcols
  4. merge vehicle to existing metas or run as separate resource
  5. clear server cache (esp if merging to existing metas)
  6. restart server and restart sessionmanager
  1. vehicle carvariations must point to custom carcols
    There i go nuts… where does this point to carcols? Change the ID now to 111 (it was 15 so that may be the problem)
    I find Modelname that not have same name as the car i use …is that i have to change?
    or is it the sirenSettings that conects to that ?
  1. change texture colors of lightbar/lights to yellow/orange (ytd file)
  2. convert custom carcols sirens setting to yellow/orange with custom ID (defaults are 1 thru 15, I think so use a number like 110 or 223)
  3. vehicle carvariations must point to custom carcols ( Its the Sirensetting should be same as Carols ID )
  4. merge vehicle to existing metas or run as separate resource
  5. clear server cache (esp if merging to existing metas)
  6. restart server and restart sessionmanager
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Has anyone made a video on this I read this thread and walked through it but don’t get any of it