In recent days, many people have reported an error that crashes them called DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED.
This error has been reproduced and appears to only happen on clients that have ENB installed on them. The fix for this, from what I have helped people with and had their issues fixed, was:

  • Remove ENB entirely
  • Rename d3d11.dll to something different or change the extension to .dllxx

This has been the solution I have been able to reproduce, if you or someone you know has a different solution please let me know by replying to the topic.

(Apologies if I tagged this post incorrectly, I don’t quite know what topic a fix report like this would be tagged as)

Where d3d11.dll File ?

I can’t rename d3d11.dll Bro !!!

It will be wherever you installed your ENB files.

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I don’t installed ENB .

Then why are you on this topic?

yo man im new to owning a pc and im now getting this error an d what is an enb and where can i uninstall this cheers :slight_smile:

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i need your help bad im going thru this too and im a total PC NOOB

I never installed enb but it still gives me the crash log I have tried to rename the d3d file but i cant

Remove ENB entirely.

do you mean removing the ENB folders only? or also the enblocal & enbseries also?