FivePD enabled First Responder roleplay community!

Tired of regular boring San Andreas based roleplay? Want to be a first responder? Come over to the State of Rockport, we are a FivePD based server that also has many unique fire and medical mods and scripts to allow for in depth roleplay from the perspective of any first responder agency. We are also a custom lore state that doesnt utilize the regular San Andreas or California based laws or mirror the state.

With Rockport being a fictional state based in the United States of America, and not being based off any real life state or entity this allows us to bring a different perspective into FiveM aside from your traditional San Andreas RP that is all too common in FiveM. Los Santos and Los Santos County have been reborn as the City of Remmington and Sweetwater County. Paleto Bay has been reborn as the City of Oxford Sandy Shores and Grapeseed have been combined into the City of Lakeshore.

Come aboard today! No waitlist and a simple 3 question application! or Discord
