FivePD | Custom Callout Problems

using CitizenFX.Core;
using FivePD.API;
using FivePD.API.Utils;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Callouts
    [CalloutProperties("Suspect Flee", "FivePD", "1.0")]
    public class SuspectFlee : Callout
        private Ped suspect;

        public SuspectFlee()
            Vector3 randomPosition = Game.PlayerPed.GetOffsetPosition(new Vector3(RandomUtils.GetRandomNumber(500, 1000), RandomUtils.GetRandomNumber(500, 1000), 0));
            this.InitInfo(World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(randomPosition, false));
            this.ShortName = "Suspect Flee";
            this.CalloutDescription = "A suspect is fleeing upon police arrival.";
            this.ResponseCode = 3;
            this.StartDistance = 150f;

        public override async Task OnAccept()
            this.InitBlip(75f, BlipColor.White, BlipSprite.Standard, 100);
            this.suspect = await this.SpawnPed(RandomUtils.GetRandomPed(), this.Location, 0.0f);

        public override void OnStart(Ped closest)
            this.Tick += Action;

        public override void OnCancelBefore()
            this.Tick -= Action;

        private async Task Action()
            if (!this.suspect.Exists() || this.suspect.IsDead)
            await Task.FromResult(0);


Over the last few hours I’ve tried several times to create a callout myself, which works in theory.
I’ve played around with a lot and realized that almost nothing is impossible, only I keep getting a problem that I can’t get rid of no matter what I try.

I’ve added a really, really simple, not elaborated callout above, my point was more to demonstrate what happens.
As soon as I accept this callout ingame, a waypoint is set, provided the mission is in my immediate vicinity.
With “Vector3 randomPosition = Game.PlayerPed.GetOffsetPosition(new Vector3(RandomUtils.GetRandomNumber(500, 1000), RandomUtils.GetRandomNumber(500, 1000), 0));” it can appear anywhere, and as soon as the mission is too far away, no waypoint is set and only “Loading call” is displayed at the top left of the screen and then automatically canceled after a few seconds.

Maybe I’m missing something, or maybe I haven’t added something in Rider? A component?
