[FivePD] AI Backup using BackupPro

Hello EternallySilver18,
you just drag & drop it in the resources folder and edit the config.json to your likings.

Best regards,
Codineer Digital

Hi, I just purchased BackupPro for use with fivepd however whenever backup responds they just sit in the car is this a bug?

can i request refund the cops just sit in there vehicles while im getting shot at

Hello Mac_House,
I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

Are the people who are shooting at you also on duty in Backup Pro? If so, they will not be attacked by the AI cops.

Best regards,
Codineer Digital

What no the backup pro is dead they don’t help with anything

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Hello Mac_House,
if the Backup units are dead, I suggest calling new ones.

Best regards,
Codineer Digital

Hi, I purchase yesterday. When calling backup, they arrive but just sit in the car. they don’t come out. also they seem to be pretty far from me. any help will be appreciated.

Hello luis11205,
They will leave their car if something happens around them (shooting, …).

I hope I was able to help you.
Best regards
Codineer Digital

Hi, i just purchased backup pro and all of the packs. Whenever i click download it makes me download an HTML.


Hi. I just ordered.
But when i downloaded it i got an .dll file. and i dont know where to put it.
In the documentations it says there is an fxmanifest. but in the download there is just the .dll
Please help me

you need BackupPro to use this.

FivePD Plugins folder

what is the hot key to open the menu ???

Hello gamephantom2023,
the hotkey is U by default, but can be configured in the config file.

Best regards
Alex from Codineer

there is no config file just the plugin

and how do u install this when i downloaded the plug in there was no config file or instructions on how to download

Hey gamephantom,
you need Backup Pro ([ESX/NON ESX] Ultimate modular NPC AI Backup - BackupPro) for it to work.

Does it work for QBCore?

BackupPro has no direct QBCore integration, but it can be used in standalone mode without requiring any framework. So it can be used alongside QBCore, but it won’t be integrated.

Best regards
Alex from Garmingo