If FiveM could have 100 slots with all the NPC gta5 would be amazing. They are almost stable at 64 slots but by the time they do or increase slots GTA6 will be out. So i guess we are pretty much stuck with 32/64 slots for FiveM. I seen other clients with increase slots but world is empty i prefer players over NPC. But the NPC does make San Andreas feel more alive and st times its it’s hilarious. What are you guys thoughts about this and do you think it will ever be possible.
What i would like to see for FiveM is the ability to not need element club for the clothing streaming. I want to get eup but i can’t Also would like to see 64 player slots being the norm.
I agree 32 players is so xbox 360/ps3 days its 2019
It doesn’t have anything to do with it being 2019. It takes a lot to get 64 or more players to be in 1 session and sync everything they do. I think this is a stupid statement. Its not easy to get 64 or more players to operate smootly on 1 server. Rockstar didn’t manage to do it so this is a pretty big step for FiveM. There is a lot more to it as just thinking they will be able to with time. Anyways I think there is a good amouny of good RP servers out there that people like to play on like , SAHPRP, Georgia State Roleplay. Etc… (not promoting any of these).
Could not agree more!