FiveM Website Status Check Script

Hi All,
During the recent development of my own website I made this little script to display on your website the status of your server.


Offline Screenshots:

I’ve been unable to get a Checking Screenshot as it does that so quick,
I hope everyone is enjoying this.

Also note that I have added further comments within my script to explain how it works.

If you have any issues please, feel free to message me.


Something I’ve actually been looking into doing, thanks for the release!

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No Problems!

Any pictures?

Here you go mate.
Not Much styling here just some font changes.

So is this a webpage or more of a widget for your website

Widget for your website. Where it says online on those screenshots’ it’s actively checking to see if the IP / Domain is active on the Port.

Interesting I’ll check it out

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Hey i want to say Thank you that is something i searched and im lazy to do it by myself so thank you very much for that nice release

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No Problem, glad I could help.

Btw do you have a index.html file for me i am a beginner and i dont know how to do it so nice like on that screenshot !!

I’ll try it out, I will tell you if I need help.

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No Worries!

wouldn’t someone send me some simple fivem design?

otherwise nice work :slight_smile:

This is a simple script. Just has to be placed on a website.

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what sort of index file are you hoping for?

Good evening nice sharing thank you
Is it possible for you to add the number of players present on the server? Thank you

I Will look to do that for you.

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Could you help me set this up?

Kind regards,

Thank you very much. It’s very nice of you to take the time to research this.