FiveM Togglable Coords

Incorrect - Please reread what you said again. We aren’t arguing the fact that “if you cant code neatly you are bad at it”, we are simple saying, your toxicity in your post (something that has been done already) is uncalled for. Just because someone can’t code “neatly” doesn’t mean they shouldn’t code at all, that’s uncalled for, and frankly, childish.

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So you are just going to sit there and tell me you would rather read unorganized, poorly indented etc. code instead of well put together code? Also remember all I did was edit the main code, if you hate it so much go complain to the original Dev for the file. You are just annyoing at this point lol

Once again, that is not what he said. Please read messages, and don’t assume what people say.

see you actually are getting to a point unlike the other guy, I agree it isnt the nicest statement but dont try and twist the words so you can continue to try and argue about it, just go somewhere else. Not everyone shares views and not everyone will get along, you could be the bigger man and not team up with your friend to argue with me because you don’t like a sentence, but I thank you for getting to the point and not just talking trash like the other guy. Although take this into consideration, attacking me verbally or in the ways the other guy is doing makes him just as bad as my statement lol

Lol that’s a bit of a hypocritical statement

The fact you keep calling me a kid but you insult people who don’t code eye to eye to your bs standards explains everything wrong with you. Not to mention the fact that I am apparently a “kid” that can criticize your “clean code edit” explains that your skills are obviously lacking :rofl:

and you are right. I haven’t released anything for years and again… I have rightfully moved on from releasing public resources to FiveM because I actually have a job and a life to tend to and the fact that I STILL help new developers while packing all of my life onto that is insane imo…

and the fact that over the years I have collaborated with dozens of developers with real experience in real life situations and brought them along with me to start a community for new developers or experienced developers looking for second opinions on their code so we as a community can learn and grow is pretty great to.

You are obviously lacking any brain function and common decency to respect people start from the bottom and work their way up to gain new skills and learn new ways to write code just like yourself. I am sure that when you first started your code was trash just like EVERYONES and honestly speaking looking at your edit you still have a long ways to go bud.

I’d recommend maybe checking my profile out and joining my discord and maybe my community could help you learn a few things to better your code :man_shrugging:

I not calling you kid to be insulting, that’s just habit honestly. Continue to get mad because you hate my views so much i don’t care. I don’t care what you’ve coded or done at all honestly, I don’t care about your background at all. You are wasting my time with your pointless comments. Don’t talk about decency lol you are far from being a decent person yourself. You are sitting here attacking me, insulting me because you don’t like what i said, honestly shut up already I don’t care. You say i have problems lol but you are sitting here raging out over nothing. Just shhhhhhhh no one cares. Imagine though if you just said like “hey man, i think that statement might offend people you should change it”, I would have been like true true ill change it, but nope you came out yelling like a child.

Seems like you do care :man_shrugging:

as I said maybe join my discord and you will actually learn something :man_shrugging:

Oh… Btw… If you can’t write clean code? Then don’t code at all… Ok?

Lol Ok? I’m not insulted by you saying that? When I come across something I disagree with I don’t get mad or insulted, I just ignore it. Try that sometime. Go calm down

Can you link the original resource in your post?

Yes but i have to wait 7 hours to edit the post, but this is the link

:slight_smile: ur a joke fr :rofl:

You can also remove the entire function of toggle tbh and just handle it within the command.

RegisterCommand("coords", function()
    if not coordsVisible then
      local coordsVisible = true
      local coordsVisible = false
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Dude i can’t tell anymore with you, I’m not arguing with you anymore. Nothing was accomplished.

as I said ur a joke :slight_smile: and honestly a mediocre dev at best so have a good one I am going to block you so I don’t see anymore posts from your meaningless self :v:

Tbh I’m going to just do what was suggested earlier and go the NUI route instead

Please do kid, you are extremely childish and a waste of breathe. I never claimed to be a god dev or anything of the sorts lol. You are just a fiveM troll.

I’m going delete and reupload this post so that this kid xanders toxicity isn’t flooding my post, I really pitty you xander.

Simple edit of GitHub - sadboilogan/show-coords