I have been thinking about getting back into FiveM’s Story Mode as a way to create a custom savegame that I have specified, but in order to get it done quick I need a good suggestion for a Story Mode specific trainer plugin I can use for the default game build loaded up within FiveM’s desktop shortcut.
In the past, I have played FiveM Story Mode in v1603 with Simple Trainer v11.0 acquired via the GTA 5 mods website (Google it for more details) and it worked pretty flawlessly, but in recent times it stopped working outright even when it was put into the plugins folder of the FiveM AppData directory.
In short, which Story Mode trainer plugin would you recommend for the stable default build of FiveM?
BTW if this happens to be in the wrong forum, please don’t hesitate to move it to the Support section.
And when I say custom savegames, I mean sticking to the factory default assets that came with GTAV on PC that are only available on Story Mode, and absolutely NO third-party add-ons whatsoever. I want to keep my savegames to the Rockstar Games specification.
It’s been quite a while since I first posted this topic on this thread, so I wanna clarify some things about what I said:
When I said “factory default assets”, I meant no visual nor audible addons that alter the overall game experience (eg. custom cars, graphics mods, custom sounds and music, etc.).
Regarding keeping my savegames to the Rockstar Games specs, I wanted to add that I want to finish the Story Mode faster while aiming for 100 percent completion upon completion of the final mission, using a Story Mode oriented trainer mod like Menyoo or even Simple Trainer, which I can’t do as of this year when it’s even placed in the plugins folder when I launch Story Mode via the FiveM main menu, even though I could do so last year.
I’d like to really hear your comments as I don’t like to be talking to a ghost in the first place, let alone an AI powered chatbot. I wanna hear from real humans who are involved in FiveM on a regular basis!
PS: I refuse to mod my primary install of GTAV on my computer as I access GTA online on it via my originally owned Rockstar Games account whatsoever, as I can see that FiveM is the only official way to run mods on GTAV these days, now that R* took over the cfx.re team.