FiveM serversided graphicmod

Hi guys,
I just wanted to ask if there is a graphic mod for FiveM.
The only thing I always get is a clientsided graphic mod but I dont want to have every user to install the mod so they can have a good experience on the server. So I would need a serversided mod.
I hope there is one. If yes please let me know.


There’s a SetVisualSettingFloat() native which can be used with the same values as visualsettings.dat. Here an example resource which loads the visualsettings.dat

Thank you so much mate. I searched for this for the last 2 days. You just solved my main problem dude.
And just look how beautiful it looks:


Hey there!

Trying to figure out if it’s possible to make this work some how with “optional, NVE mods”.
As an example, if I were to rename any Resource from NVE.

Into a [NVE] → [Darker Nights] → Darker Night.rpf

Would that in theory make the Darker Night’s mods actually Serversided, if [NVE] is renamed to [VisualSettings]

